Thursday, December 8, 2022


Okay.  I've kept my big mouth shut long enough now, and I just can't do it anymore.
Parts of the Sussex's Netflix documentary ran this week, and I have never heard and read such nasty vile remarks about people, as I have about Harry and Meghan these past few weeks by people who portend to have loved and respected Princess Diana.
They've just been brutal with the things they're saying. 
And this past week somebody posted a video of Harry watching his Mother holding him when he was a toddler. 
The man just broke down 
and cried. 
You could see he was really going through it, and has yet to come to terms with this Mothers death.
You all know dam well Diana would be livid about all the nasty things being said about her son, his wife, and her Grandchildren.
This would not be happening were she still alive today because she would not stand for it.
And you are defileing her memory every time you attack her Son, his Wife, and her Grandchildren.
You should all he ashamed of yourselves.
This woman deserves better And so does her Son. Daughter-in-law, and Grandchildren.
Now back off before you drive this poor man over the edge.

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