Monday, December 26, 2022


It's almost 2023.
And all I've heard from the Democrats  this year is Trump, Trump, Trump.
CAN we find something else to harp on? 
How about the fact that nobody seems to want to go to work anymore? 
Rising Fuel Prices maybe?
Out of control Inflation, Rising Interest Rates, Wide open Borders with thousands of "Get Aways"?
Women and Children being Trafficed like never before?
Out for control Fentanyl amounts coming into the Country causing thousands of deaths? 
A Homeless Crisis all across the Country? 
Valid Proof that Tech Giants kept Hunter Bidens Laptop out of the news after being told by the FBI it was "Russian Dissinformation" to help the Democrats, etc.,etc
All met with near silence from most of the News Media.
But Trump! Let's keep the focus on him.
Y'all going to Seariously tell me you don't see this?
None of it?
"COME ON MAN!"- Joseph Robinette Biden

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