Thursday, January 26, 2023


It is so  hard living under Democratic Socialism.
2024 can't get here quick enough for me.
I hope everyone remembers all this struggling and pain next election.
 I don't give a dam who wins as long as its not a Democrat.
I don't care if Trump wins again, 
The "Woke" fools, and the "I don't like him" whinners be dammed!
 SOMEBODY has to fix this shit show of a mess the democrats have created.
And if it has to be Trump then so be it.
And the Whinners should just shut up about it, because if they hadn't spent this Country dry, we wouldn't need anyone to fix it in the first place would we.
You wanna keep lying on your arses collecting money?
Then you'd better Dam well find somebody who can get this Country back on track so you can, because the money is fast running out now, and the only ones who will suffer from that will be those who truly can't work, and need it to live, and the Working Class Folk who are being taxed to death for it now.
We've reached the Debt Ceiling people.
And that means they can't just print more money to fix the problem anymore. They either raise the Debt Ceiling, or the money runs out.

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