Saturday, January 21, 2023


I'm thinking about  going to the Pet stores around my area, and buying different kinds of Cat Food to see if I can find anything my Cats will eat.
My mission is to find something they don't just like, but something they'll Gobble right up when I put it in front of them.
My only apprehension is I've been down this road before with other Furballs, and they can be tricky, because once you find something  they really like, you go out and stock up on it don't you. 
You spend $50.00 on their favorite Cat Food, and then they won't touch it anymore right?
Vicious Circle.
I think they do it on purpose.
And they know what their doing don't they. I mean think about it. 
These Animals are smart.
They can understand words you say to them can't they.
But how much of their language do you know?

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