Thursday, January 20, 2022


"What are they for?"
 Joe Biden wants to know.
Well here's a few things I'd like to see Joe...

Border Control.  
Stop letting illegals walk across our Border, and stop sneaking them into our states by way of flights at 4:am under cover of darkness at our expense.
A strong Economy.
Lower Gas Prices,
Lower Food Prices,
Lower prices on everything else to.
Children (who can go)  back in classes for in person learning.
Lower Crime rates
Support for Law Enforcement. 
More people going Back to work.
No Inflation.
No Supply Chain Issues.
Break up with China Joe!
They don't love you. They're just using you! 
Give us our Pipe line back like you did for Russia Joe. 
And how about Democrats start paying more attention to these issues instead of worrying about January 6th, and how to get rid of Donald Trump. 
There's just a few things Republicans are for Mr. President.
Hope that answers your Question better then we can get answers to ours.

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