Thursday, January 6, 2022


Almost a year on now, and they're STILL investigating what they've labeled as the "Insurgence" on the Capital in Washington DC.
They've labeled the defendants as "Thugs"
 And The Summer of Love?
The BLM Riots?  
They called them "Protesters" while people were killed, Business's, and Neighborhoods Looted and Torched, Churches burned, Peoples lives ruiened? Remember that? 
They got a Street named after them.  
I don't expect we'll see that happening in this case.
 True to form, they aren't interested in justice unless it makes President Trump look bad or stops him running for re-election.
Then they're all over it.
So I wouldn't count on any   "Insurgence Avenues", or "Patriots way" Streets popping up anywhere anytime soon.
Because Democrats seem to be short on memory, and long on Hypocrisy.

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