I ran to Giant this morning because Lowes didn't have AA batteries and I wanted to make sure all the Cat toys are working before I got snowed in with them.
I got the Batteries, but most of the shelves were empty.
Now I don't give a dam if your in love with Biden, you think he's nice, you think he's Hot, or you just hate President Trump that much, what ever the hell it is that makes you refuse to accept the fact that Corn Pop was cheated into office like he was.
Here's a fact you CAN NOT dispute.
Sooner or later, (and the way things are going my money is on sooner) there will be no turning back for this Country.
If somebody doesn't do something, and do it soon, you can call the Dogs and Piss on the fire, because it's over for America.
And all you Ass Sitters who are thoroughly enjoying sitting on your asses right now with your hands out, better know that money can, and will stop coming once there's no going back.
And all the screaming, crying, name calling, and protesting won't bring back that which is simply no longer there.
Keep selfishly voting for yourself, instead of what is best for this Country, and eventually, you will burn your own ass.
And you will work then.
Or you won't eat.