When I was younger, I had many friends. One such friend I'll call him Joe, (not his real name) I had hooked up with a few times at beer parties we had when we were teenagers, but nothing ever happened. Nothing past the feverish make out sessions you have in your teen years. It was all pretty innocent stuff. We came pretty close once, but the man was a Gentleman, and in the end nothing really happened.
But years later, I was to find out that his wife blamed me for her bad marriage, and the fact that they never got along, and eventually separated. This chick even went so far as to go to his grave in tears to spin some bullshit tale about how I was "Stalking" her and her children because I kept running into her everyplace I went. And quite by accident to. Seems we had similar interests, which might explain why her Ex. and I hit it off to begin with.
How do I know all this? Because I had to deal with her dead ex who came through a Medium I was talking to one night. We where in the middle of a reading when he came through. She told me he was very angry, and wanted her to "Tell that bitch to Stay away from my family". I told him (by way of the medium) that someone had given him the wrong information. His response was "I'll find out the truth, and I'll be back when I do". Then he left, still Pissed off as I understood it . I assume he did find the truth, as I have never heard from his spirit again. And I do hope his soul is at rest now.
But the point of all this is to set the record straight right? so here it goes.:
To begin with, I was not the only person this man was fooling with at the time. Perhaps I was the one she was the most threatened by, and that's why she picked me to lay the blame on, but as I understand it, I was not the only one. or perhaps it's because I knew the truth of their relationship, and she didn't want anyone to believe me.
You see, back in the Seventies, when you wanted to get married and your boyfriend wasn't cooperating, all you had to do was "get knocked up" and he'd have to marry you then. It was a pretty common practice back then, and she wasn't the only one to trap a man into marriage. I know a few chicks who went that route. And none of their marriages worked out either. And again how do I know this? well I know it because her ex (rest his soul) told me when he was alive that's how. His version of their marriage was as follows:
"I put it there, so I have to take care of it."
It wasn't a marriage he was looking forward to. It was more of something he had to do now.
And if I had any kind of interest in this man at all, how come I had no idea where he was, or what he was doing when he died? Why did I not know when he was separated? How come I never asked around about him, tried to contact him to tell him how much I missed him, and loved him, and wanted to make a life with him now that he was separated?
Because I didn't care that's why. Because I was already married when he was separated, and I had no interest in pursuing a life with him that's why. He was a friend. Something I suspect he never was to her, so maybe that was the reason it didn't work out for them.
I knew nothing of this man past those make out sessions in the woods so many years ago.
And let's be clear, I did want to, and did try to apologize to her, and to tell her that nothing happened between us, and I was sorry to hear he had died, I tried once when I ran into her at an event I was attending. but she wouldn't even let me. Wouldn't even acknowledge my presence. Told her friend standing there with her "I'm not speaking to her." "that bitch tried to sleep with my husband." As if they were married at the time. Like I had chased him down, kidnapped him, and held a gun to his head or something. As if he had no responsibility at all for his own actions, and I had forced him into it. Or maybe that's just what she needed to believe.
Or maybe she's still the same Drama Queen she was back then, and she's still using the story to get attention. I don't know.
What I do know is the truth. And so does he now. And I'm good with that.