Saturday, September 30, 2017


Ray Lewis, (a  former Football player for the Baltimore Ravens) got down on his knees with the rest of the Ravens players, during the National Anthem at the football game in London.   And that didn't sit well with a whole lot of Football Fans.
 As a result of his actions, a petition was formed and signed by thousands who now want the Ray Lewis Statue that is currently standing in front of the M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore City removed.  Rays comments were as follows:
"You can not remove a Monument!"
"What has America come to when you can't prey on a Football Field?"
Well Ray, In case you missed it, The Confederate Statues in Baltimore City were recently removed under cover of darkness.
I don't recall you having anything to say in defense of those Monuments.
And as far as praying on the Football Field goes? you might wanna ask Tim Tebow about that.
I don't know about you all, But I never did understand the "Do as I say, Not as I do" Attitude a lot of these protest groups have. 
I mean if you can exercise what you're protesting against,
 then what's the  protest?

Saturday, September 9, 2017


We all know one.  The chick who spends her life going from man to man to man, using "Natures Credit Card" instead of standing up on her own two feet to make a life for herself,
And she really believes she has earned what she has in life, and it's hers to flaunt over women who are actually working their asses off to live.
These chicks are the ones who will pass you sitting on the side of the road in your broken down car (all upset and trying to figure out what you're gonna do)  and yell "Oh you gotta see the new car my boyfriend bought me!" 
As if they'd of gotten it without using Natures Credit Card.
 Look, we all know about your nice house, and vacation homes, your new cars, etc. etc.  but don't be throwing it in every ones  face acting like it's really yours, and you were the one who worked for it. 
  Because Past crawling up under a man, you didn't.  It's HIS money.  It's HIS new car, It's HIS new home, It's HIS vacation house not yours.  Because all you have in life is all you've ever had. 
 "Natures Credit Card".
  And F.Y.I., that's not really something you wanna call every ones attention to.

Saturday, August 19, 2017


Susan Bro, the mother of the girl who was killed in the Charlottesville, Va. Protests, and who it seems,  has never met a Television, or press reporter she didn't like,  has given yet another interview.  This time about how she has no intention of accepting any kind of condolences from the White House.
Unfortunately for Ms. Bro,  President Trump didn't say what she wanted to hear.  
Which was that this whole situation is solely the responsibility of the Alt Right group, as the press refers to them, or the White Supremacy Hate Group as the Liberals have labeled them.  
He didn't lay the blame on either group but felt both groups shared the blame equally in the events that occurred.
  Parrish the thought!!
"You can't wish this away by shaking my hand and saying I'm sorry" Susan Bro says. 
Well Susan, You might want to ask any one of the parents of the Benghazi Victims if Hillary Clinton's wish ever came true because to this day, all they've ever gotten by way of an explanation is "what difference does it make?"
And as usual, the media and press have jumped in, or rather  on Trump as they always do (because they don't like him either)  this time because he didn't  say what they wanted him to say, or how they wanted him to say it.
In the meantime, the rest of the populace (67% according to one poll)  Are sitting back in amazement watching all this unfold and wondering what the hell the Liberals will come up with next.  And weather or not the removal of Confederate Statues really has as much to do with the Statues themselves, as it does with the Democrats still being pissed off because they lost to President Trump.

Thursday, August 10, 2017


I had never heard of Carole Radziwill before I saw her on The Real Housewives Of New York.  Never knew she was married to John Kennedy's cousin.  Never knew she was a Princess. Never read anything she wrote. Never even knew she was a writer.  But I liked her.  I liked Carole Radziwill.
She was real.  And it was only from watching that I found out her closest friend had been Johns wife Carolyn.  
So when her book "What Remains" came out I got it, and I read it. 
And while I may have started out envying Carole for having known and been such a good friend of Carolyn Kennedy,  I ended up envying  Carolyn Kennedy for having known, and been such a good friend of Carole Radziwill because this woman is the definition of strength and quiet dignity.
  She tells her story as it happened.  The whole story.  All the personal and sometimes painful details of a woman who, within weeks loses three people who meant the world to her.  Who were her world. 
What do you do when your life stops in mid live?

"What Remains" by Carole Radziwill   It's worth the read.

Monday, July 10, 2017


I remember watching Bruce Jenner win the Gold in the Olympic decathlon in 1976.  It was a proud moment when he made that victory lap waving The American Flag.
  We kind of lost touch with Bruce after that.
 We saw him in endorsements, but it wasn't until he surfaced again in "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" that we really came to know him.  And there we got to see the other sides of Bruce.  The caring side. The shy side. The unsure side. The emotional side. The Old Fashion Conservative side.  A man who Loved his family and his country.  He was a nice guy. 
 If I could talk to Caitlyn (not that she'd give a dam what I think) I'd tell her this:
I have nothing against your transition. It's your life and you have every right to live it any way you choose. 
But I miss Bruce.  And I can't help that. 
  And I don't much care for the way you treated him either.  Just threw him away like some old piece of clothing you couldn't wait to shed.
 There are a lot of people out there, myself included, who feel like he deserved better.
 And I didn't much care for the way you dismissed the feelings of those who were going to miss him.  Like their feelings didn't matter at all. It was almost as if Bruce was already gone and Caitlyn had taken over before you even transitioned. There was no room for discussion.   It didn't matter if you were gonna miss Bruce, or didn't want him to go. it was a done deal.
   And when Kris said "He's Gone", I felt her pain.  And it wasn't until she said it out loud that I realized what it meant. 
It really was as though Bruce had died.   And I cried with her. 
So now Ms. Caitlyn, you've got what you wanted.  You've completely transitioned.  You win.  He's gone.
 But while you may have won the battle,  you might find that you've lost the war. Because there's a whole lot of people out there who really respected, cared about, and miss Bruce Jenner.  Even if you never did.

Monday, April 17, 2017


When I was younger, I  had many friends.  One such friend I'll call him Joe, (not his real name)  I had hooked up with a few times at  beer parties  we had when we were teenagers, but nothing ever happened. Nothing past the feverish make out sessions you have in your teen years.  It was all pretty innocent stuff.   We came pretty close once, but the man was a Gentleman, and in the end nothing really happened.
But years later, I was to find out that his wife blamed me for her bad marriage, and the fact that they never got along, and eventually separated.   This chick even went so far as to go to his grave in tears to spin some bullshit tale about how I was "Stalking" her and her children because I kept running into her everyplace I went. And quite by accident to.  Seems we had similar interests, which might explain why her Ex. and I hit it off to begin with.
How do I know all this?  Because I had to deal with her dead ex who came through a Medium I was talking to one night.  We where in the middle of a reading when he came through.  She  told me he was very angry, and wanted  her to  "Tell  that  bitch to Stay away from my family".     I told him (by way of the medium) that someone had given him the wrong information.  His response was "I'll find out the truth, and I'll be back when I do".  Then he left, still Pissed off as I understood it .   I assume he did find the truth,  as I have never heard from his spirit again.  And I do hope his soul is at rest now.
But the point of all this is to set the record straight right? so here it goes.:
To begin with, I was not the only person this man was fooling with at the time.  Perhaps I was the one she was the most threatened by, and that's why she picked me to lay the blame on, but as I understand it, I was not the only one.  or perhaps it's because I knew the truth of their relationship, and she didn't want anyone to believe me.
 You see, back in the Seventies, when you wanted to get married and your boyfriend wasn't cooperating,  all you had to do was "get knocked up" and he'd have to marry you then.  It was a pretty common practice back then, and she wasn't the only one to trap a man into marriage.  I know a few chicks who went that route.  And none of their marriages worked out either.   And again how do I know this? well I know it because her ex (rest his soul) told me when he was alive that's how.  His version of their marriage was as follows:
"I put it there, so I have to take care of it."
 It wasn't a marriage he was looking forward to. It was more of something he had to do now.
And if I had any kind of interest in this man at all,  how come I had no idea where he was, or what he was doing when he died?  Why did I not know when he was separated? How come I never asked around about him, tried to contact him to tell him how much I missed him, and loved him, and wanted to make a life with him now that he was  separated?  
Because I didn't care that's why.  Because I was already married when he was separated, and I had no interest in pursuing a life with him that's why.  He was a friend. Something I suspect he never was to her, so maybe that was the reason it didn't work out for them. 
I knew nothing of this man past those make out sessions in the woods so many years ago.
 And let's be clear,  I did want to, and did try to apologize  to her, and to tell her that nothing happened between us, and I was sorry to hear he had died,  I tried once when I ran into her at an event I was attending. but she wouldn't even let me. Wouldn't even acknowledge my presence.  Told her friend standing there with her  "I'm not speaking to her." "that bitch tried to sleep with my husband." As if they were married at the time.   Like I had chased him down, kidnapped him, and held a gun to his head or something.  As if he had no responsibility at all for his own actions, and I had forced him into it.  Or maybe that's just what she needed to believe. 
Or maybe she's still the same Drama Queen she was back then, and she's still using the story to get attention. I don't know.
What I do know is the truth. And so does he now.  And I'm good with that. 

Sunday, April 16, 2017


Easter.  The Holiest day of the Christian year.  It was on this day that Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ rose from the dead and Descended into Heaven.
And on this, the  most Holiest Day day of all days,  I just wanna take a minute to say thank you to God.
 Thank you God.  Thank you for every wonderful, awful, crazy, unimaginable thing you've ever given to me, taken from me, or done for me.
Thank you for the Angel you sent me (that dark morning on the way to work while I was heading straight for a tree while fiddling with the radio)  to warn me to "LOOK UP" and I did.
 And it saved me from an accident in which I would have surely died.
And I wanna thank you God for saving me when I called on you to "Help Me Father"  on that rainy day when a car laterally spinning down a hill towards my car could have, and Should have taken me out.  We stood there for a long time that driver and I, trying to figure out how in the world he didn't hit me as he had no control at all over his car that spun straight for me, and then went completely AROUND my car jumping a curb, and coming  to a stop just before the woods. 
And I wanna thank you God for coming to me on that horrible night after weeks of praying to you, and begging  my cat to  give me ANY kind of sign that I should take him to the Vets to end his life because he had Cancer.  You came to me by way of the light that night.  So bright and beautiful but it didn't hurt at all to look into it.  I knew it was time when you shined that light on my baby.  I had forgotten just how beautiful he was until I saw his soul in that light.  I knew then it was time to give him back. Even though I really didn't want to.
And I wanna thank you for giving me my Ozzy. (My Silky Terrier) who gave me the strength to go on after I had to give my Freight Ticket back.  You let me keep him for eighteen years,  and you let me be with him when he died of heart failure.   It killed me when I had to give them back. They were my babies. by best friends. The only somebodies here who ever loved me.  And I wanna thank you for them.  I literally would not have gotten through without them.
I wanna thank you God for being there for me whenever I found myself lying face down in the mud (and it's happened allot) and looked up to find that everyone had walked away, and  there was no one there for me.  Thank you for giving me the strength to not lay there and play the victim, but  to get back up again and fight my way back  tooth and nail to an even better life then before.   Today I am buying my own home.  I own my own car.  I still work but could retire if I wanted to as I have worked there for so many years and have a pension.
  When I look back at all I have lost through the years, and  all that I have now, there is only one conclusion I can come to. God Is Real.  I've seen his glory.  And I praise it every day.

God gave me Beauty For Ashes.   I am beyond Grateful.  And I couldn't ask for anymore.

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Easter!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Now I'm not even gonna try to sit here and act like I've never been cheated on before because I have. And ya know what? It hurt.  A lot. 
I was shocked when I found out. I felt like a fool.  I  felt used, betrayed, and ashamed.  But I forgave him and you know why?  Because I LOVED HIM that's why. 
And when the bastard cheated on me again, well I loved him even more.  And yes I was angry. REALLY angry.  And I let him know it to.  But along with those feelings of anger and pain came the feeling of not wanting to let those bitches win.  They weren't gonna take MY man Oh Hell No!  He's MY man! 
Unfortunately for me, I was only partially correct.

Oh he was mine alright. To the extent that I lived with him, I slept with him, I cooked for him, kept the house clean for him, washed his dirty underwear, picked up after him, did the shopping, handled his accounts, nursed him when he was sick, and picked him up when he was feeling down.
Oh Yes! I got the privilege of doing all that and more for MY man.

They got the nice Dinners Out, the Romance, the Flowers and Gifts, the Love Texts, the Hand Holding, the Fun Day Trips, the Stolen Weekends, the Passionate Love Making, you know, all the fun things you get to do and feel when you're involved in a relationship in which you have no responsibility other then to keep it quiet.

And Ladies I can tell you from experience he's gonna keep doing it as long as you let him.  And Love ain't got a dam thing to do with it.
And he'll have all kinds of excuses. My personal favorite is:
 "Oh I can't help it".  "I'm addicted to sex". 
Of course the part he left out of that sentence was "with other women" because if he was just addicted to sex your ass would be a lot more tired then you are now wouldn't you. 
It's up to you all how you want to live your lives.  I've been down this road before so I sit in judgement of no one.  You can do whatever you like.
For myself, I stopped putting up with that type of behavior when I found someone else I loved more then him.
That someone else was me.