Monday, March 19, 2012

You Might Be Out Of Touch

How come we never get an average person running for president? 
Every year people are forced to vote for candidates who have a shit load of money to campaign with, but just don't have a clue as to what it's like for the average American to make ends meet nowadays.
So in true Jeff Foxworthy form, here is a list of things that might mean you are to far out of touch with the average American to consider running for president.

If your anual income is a million dollars or more, and the hardest thing  you've done all year is master that tricky shot on the back nine, you might be out of touch with the average American.

If you don't have to pay for you own gas, or put it into your own car, you might be out of touch with the average American.

If you've never had to count your pennies in  the "Ten Items Or Less" isle at your local supermarket while illegal allians (draped in gold) in front of you pay for their two shopping carts full of food with their independence card, you might be out of touch with the average American.

If the hardest deicision you've had to make this year is which  privite school to send your kids to, or which tropical island to go to for vacation, you might be out of touch with the average American.

If you've never had to choose between food, medications, gas & electric, or gas for your car, you might be out of touch with the average American.

If you don't have to sqwint to read this because you can afford an eye exam and glasses, you might be out of touch with the average American.

If you can't make up your mind between the Mercedes, and the Rolls Royce, you might be out of touch with the average American.

If you think coupons are just part of the Sunday funny papers, you might be out of touch with the average American.

If your best friend and golfing buddy is your stockbroker, you might be out of touch with the average American.

If you don't lay awake at night because the noise from the forclosed home next door where illegal allians moved in with their 17 kids and 23 relatives is keeping you up,  you might be out of touch with the average American.

And finaly if you've never had to live within your means, you might be out of touch with the average American.

How about we get someone in there who knows what it's like to  live in the real world for a change?

Lord knows they couldn't do any worse.

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