Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Glass Slipper Syndrome

Ladies, let's talk about love!
Oh I love to be in love, don't you love to be in love?  Head over heels can't eat, can't sleep, lay awake at night love.
Yeah right.
It's all so hot a few months in when everyone is still pissing perfume and you'd sooner blow up then let one fly in front of the man of your dreams. 
But let's get real for a moment shall we?  because fairy tales are just that.
Remember Cinderella?  The poor girl who gets treated like shit by everyone around her  until she finally meets her prince charming and lives happily ever after.  Wonderful story right?  But in the real world, one day you just might meet up with that same prince who now has a glass slipper stuck up his ass after being thrown out of the castle when he got caught banging the chamber maid. 
 So take heed ladies,  Love is not a fairytale.
These things you must learn for yourself.
 Don't take Cindy's word for it. 
Cause that bitch ain't gonna tell ya nothin.

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