Monday, January 30, 2023


New York says they have no more room for Illegal Aliens.
They are now being forced out of High End  Hotels in New York City, and They're madder then hell about it.
These people are Criminals, and they are demanding better accomidations then where the city wants to send them to, and many are refusing to go there choosing instead to camp on the street. 
You're an American. 
 Now you'll get to see how the Democrats treat their Homeless American Citizens won't you.
They say they aren't being taken care of, and they're demanding better treatment.
Sneak over any other Countries Border, and see how well you're treated there.
Here's an idea.
Don't like it?
 Go home.

Thursday, January 26, 2023


It is so  hard living under Democratic Socialism.
2024 can't get here quick enough for me.
I hope everyone remembers all this struggling and pain next election.
 I don't give a dam who wins as long as its not a Democrat.
I don't care if Trump wins again, 
The "Woke" fools, and the "I don't like him" whinners be dammed!
 SOMEBODY has to fix this shit show of a mess the democrats have created.
And if it has to be Trump then so be it.
And the Whinners should just shut up about it, because if they hadn't spent this Country dry, we wouldn't need anyone to fix it in the first place would we.
You wanna keep lying on your arses collecting money?
Then you'd better Dam well find somebody who can get this Country back on track so you can, because the money is fast running out now, and the only ones who will suffer from that will be those who truly can't work, and need it to live, and the Working Class Folk who are being taxed to death for it now.
We've reached the Debt Ceiling people.
And that means they can't just print more money to fix the problem anymore. They either raise the Debt Ceiling, or the money runs out.

Monday, January 23, 2023


Reguarding "The Spare"
Get a Grip people.
I read it, and I saw nothing in Prince Harrys Book that will 
"Rock The Monarchy" 
As was suggested it would before it was published.
Dianas Book told more then his, and everyone managed to get past that and get on with it didn't they.

Saturday, January 21, 2023


I'm thinking about  going to the Pet stores around my area, and buying different kinds of Cat Food to see if I can find anything my Cats will eat.
My mission is to find something they don't just like, but something they'll Gobble right up when I put it in front of them.
My only apprehension is I've been down this road before with other Furballs, and they can be tricky, because once you find something  they really like, you go out and stock up on it don't you. 
You spend $50.00 on their favorite Cat Food, and then they won't touch it anymore right?
Vicious Circle.
I think they do it on purpose.
And they know what their doing don't they. I mean think about it. 
These Animals are smart.
They can understand words you say to them can't they.
But how much of their language do you know?


I stopped at my local Giant Store on the way home yesterday to pick up a can of Coffee.
Talk about Price Goughing!
$8.00 for an 11.5 oz. Can of Coffee is Outrageous!!!
I won't be shopping there again. 
Not for Coffee anyway.
I don't get much from Giant anymore, because their prices go up everyday. 
I don't understand how they're getting way with it. Supply Chain!!! 
they scream when you call them on Price Goughing.
Well maybe all I can do about it is not give them my money.
Maybe if enough people stop giving them their money, those prices will go down instead of going up every day.
I get everything I can get Online nowadays, because I refuse to let these stories fleece me like they want to  while using the Supply Chain Issues as their excuse to do it.

Friday, January 20, 2023


The Secret Service says they are now ready to release the Visitor Logs for Bidens home where the Classified Documents were found.
I thought they just said last week they didn't have a Visitors Log.
Did they just now find them in their Parking  Garage to?

Saturday, January 14, 2023


Due to an exhausted  Staff Member who just couldn't take it anymore, we now know that  Illeagle Alians are staying in $500.00 a night Luxury Hotel Rooms, and they're trashing them. commiting crimes, Drinking, fighting, throwing away food,  fu*king in the hallways, and more.
And guess who's paying for it. 
Meanwhile, homeless Veterans are living in tents on the streets with little to no food. 
Joseph Robinette Biden is NOT the President of this Country. 
He never was. He was cheated into office, and that's already been proven no matter who doesn't want to believe it. 
And he's not even in his right mind.
This (give me everyone else's money while I lay on my Ass) imposter is a danger to this Country. 
And the democrats will continue to sit there with hands out, until this catastrophe touches them or one of theirs personally.
And then watch what happens.