Wednesday, December 22, 2021


The Democrats are all ganging up on Joe Manchin.
 Slamming him, and calling him names, and saying nasty shit about him because he didn't do what they wanted him to do.  
Perfect Example of how Democrats are the Epitome of everything they accuse everyone else of being.
They (the Democrats) say  the President needs to get tough, grab Joe Manchin by the collar, and shake him until he does what he's supposed to do.
I guess that's not as bad as the "Mean Tweets" 
They just couldn't take from President Trump.
What a bunch of hypocritical Karens.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

A Government Christmas

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the town, there were no politicions not one to be found. They were all home and nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of bonuses danced in their heads. With premium health care, and various perks paid thousands of dollars for minimal work. And I in my jammies, but minus the cap, had just settled down for a long winters nap. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, but I slipped on the rug and fell on my ass. The moon on the crest of the new fallen snow gave a luster of mid day to objects below. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a large survalence van and eight men in swat gear! with a big guy in charge who was pointing my way. And I knew in an instant must be N.S.A. I turned from the window to go down the stairs, and they busted my door down before I got there. They spoke not a word but went straight to their work, they grabbed my computer, and acted like jerks. They went through my closets, they went through my drawers, they pulled all the carpet up off of my floors. They went through my files, took my amo and guns, they ransacked my home before they were done. "Get used to it" they yelled as they all drove away "Bidens in charge!" "It's the new USA!"
Donna M.

Friday, November 26, 2021


Now, I'm not trying to say that some people are less intellegent then others.
 But there really should be some sort of process put in place to weed out all those voters who are voting for canidates  based on who's the Best Looking, or the Nicest, or Best Dressed, or who hurts their whittle feelings vs which one will Defend, Protect, and do what is best and most beneficial for this Country.
You are no longer in High School. 
You are not voting for Prom King. 
If you don't have the mental capacity to understand that, then you shouldn't be allowed to vote, because  ovbiously, you don't fully understand the meaning, or the Process.
I'm just Sayin...

Friday, November 5, 2021


The Rumors are abundant. But nobody wants to say anything about it. 
 It's like a fart in a crowded room.
You know something doesn't smell right, but nobody wants to own up to the truth.
We all know he's just not "Quite Right" now don't we. But it seems we are the only ones who see it. 
But who's fooling who here.
Because they're not fooling us at all. 
Who's in charge? 
Clearly it isn't him is it.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Can America Survive Biden?

All across the Country Nurses, Pilots, Doctors, policeman, Firefighters, Paramedics, Military and other "Essential Personel". who were once called Hero's for working the Front Lines during the Pandemic, (while everyone else hid out at home making 
More money then they were) are now being vilified, and forced to leave their jobs because they don't want to get the Carona Virus Vaccine.
And they'll get no Benefits for their Heroism either.
Meanwhile,  those who did drink the Kool-Aid and took the shot can still get the Virus, and pass it onto others. 
No answers as to why they get to keep their jobs. 
And all these workers leaving or being terminated, will cause a substantial service deficit in the Indusries they are departing. 
Something this Country can ill afford at the moment considering crime is now out of control everywhere.
  In addition to this, Thousands of Migrants are still streaming across our open borders on a daily, and none of them are tested for Carona Virus, or anything else.
 Nor are they asked to wear a mask.
They are placed on buses and distributed all over the Country. 
It's mindboggling to say the least, Madness to say the most.  
They may as well throw a Tent up over this Circus.
WTF is happening to America under this Incoherant despot.
Can we survive until Midterm Elections? 
Stay tuned.
Your guess is a good as anyone else's.


Y'all are some heartless motherfu*kers to do this to a demented old man.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
How would you like some one to put your father 
 in a job that he clearly can't do because he has Alzheiners. 
While the whole world laughs at him.
It's a disgusting thing to do to someone under the guise of obtaining free money.
May it come Back to every single one of you three fold. Twice.


Give it up Corn Pop.
The only ones you're fooling are the Weak Minded.

We're nine months in now.
And they're still trying to blame the real President for the actions of this Illigitimate cheated in loser. 
So how many years will it take before Corn Pop takes responsibility for his disaster? 
Two Years? Three? 
Or will he still be trying to blame the real President when the door hits him in the ass on the way out.

Thursday, September 23, 2021


The Migrant Population at the Bridge has gone down to a little over three thousand. And the question is, where did they all go.
You all know where they went. 
And you can bet your ass they'll all  be living better then you are to. 
Can you feel all those hands in your pockets yet?  These folks never worked a day here.
Never paid a dime in Taxes.
Never paid a dime into Social Security, yet YOUR Social Security that you paid into all of your life, they say may be Insolvent by 2034.
Corn Pop is Fu*king everybody over.
Even the people who helped cheat his incoherent ass into office.
How stupid do they have to feel right now.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Now you have to make your Child wear a Mask to School weather they want  to or not. 
And the School Board says there's nothing you can do about it. 
So what happens if everyone takes their kids out of Public Schools? 
And puts them in Private School if they can afford it.
Or Home Schools them.
I think the School Board might change their tune then.
It seems to me the Public School System is largely made up of Democrats.
But in my opinion, Democrats are weak minded, because they can be, and are ruled by fear.
Yet they have no qualms at all about the thousands of possibly Covid ridden Migrants (and lord knows what else) streaming across the border on a daily. 
No tests, or shots for them. No Mask Mandates either.
Then they bus them all over the country.
But your Child must mask up to go to School.
I'll tell you what I think about  this Mask Mandate.
 I think Biden is fueling this Pandemic. 
Put a mask on that.

Sunday, September 12, 2021


Another Confederate Statue removed in Virginia. 
Here's my take on all this ass kissing, vote buying bullshit:
You can take down every Statue. 
You can Erase every History Book.
But the next time you look in the mirror you are still going to be who you are.
And nothing you do is ever going to change that. 

Thursday, August 19, 2021


September 11th. Is fast approaching. 
Let's see if we get hit by any of Bidens Boys he's letting stream over our border on a daily.
Maybe they can hand out "FREE"!!!!!!!!!!!!! (a word the 47% hold dearer then their own Country) Towels to all the Democrats so they can wipe all that blood off their hands.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

IT'S TIME.....

They say they feel abandoned.
afraid, and betrayed. 
And yet, In news reels, I see Townsfolk lining the streets, cheering, and waving the Taliban on as they ride by in their Machine Gun laden pickup Trucks. 
The U S is sending 5,000 Troops to aid Afghanistan as the Taliban enters Kabul. 
For 13 years now we have tried to teach these people to stand up for themselves, and fight for their freedom, and their Country.
More then 2,448 American lives have been lost in the process.
It's time. If the People of Afghanistan really want their freedom, it's time for THEM to stand up and take it back from the Taliban.
 They can't keep depending on America to keep them safe. 
They out number the Taliban.
It's time for them to get up off it, and stop running away when the fighting begins.
If they really want to be free they'll fight for it.  
If not, then that's on them.
It's their choice now. 
Either stand up, and fight for your Freedom, or lose it, and get used to  living under Taliban Rule.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021


Concerning Prince Harry's New Book.:
Stop jumping on him before it's even read.
 Let him write it.
They survived Morton Andrews book about Diana.
They'll survive Harrys to. 
Y'all don't even know what it's about yet, and you're already attacking him. Maybe Harry has a lot to say about other things besides being Royal.
Leave him be.  
No one will think any less of The Queen, or the  Royal Family anyway no matter what he says. 
And in the end it's his life isn't it?
 Who are we to judge?

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Take your free $ and shut up!

All these Democratically run  Cities are now pissing and whinning everybody is getting robbed, beaten, and murdered on the streets.
Oh well. Y'all went to all that trouble to cheat him into office. 
You have no problem taking all that free money you cheated him in to get, so shut the fu*k up and take the free bullets that come with it.
Free money isn't free. 
You're going to pay for it one way or another.
I'm not saying democrats aren't that intelligent.
They just can't see the trap for the free cheese they're always trying to get.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021


They really want to force this Vaccine onto People, so much so that now they want to pick and choose who's rights apply to the Constitution.
And apparently, it only applies to Federal Government.
State business can force people to be Vaccinated if they want to.
If you refuse to Drink The Kool-aid, "Joe Jones" may very well force you to take it by injection.
Just like "Father Jim" did in Jonestown.
Guess They don't want any witnesses left to tell the tale. 
Also known as 
"The Truth."

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Look, I understand that some people may need a little help making Ends Meet in todays world. 
Add a child or two to the mix, and it gets even harder.
 I got that.
Here's what I don't get:
If you can't afford to have a child, and you know you can't afford to have a Child, and you have one anyway, I don't think I should have to pay for your choice.
Listen, I'd LOVE to have my 74 350 SS Nova back again. But guess what? I couldn't afford to keep it up and running. 
So it had to go. 
But wait! how about I just go out and buy another one? 
Is anyone going to send me a check once a month to help me pay for a choice I knew I couldn't afford to make, but went ahead and did it any way because I wanted to?
No they are not. 
And why not I ask? 
And the answer is always the same. 
"It was "your" Choice to make the decision to buy and/or take on something you knew you couldn't afford, so now it's on you to pay for it."
Y'all see where I'm going with this?


Thursday, June 10, 2021

Practice What You Preach!

Believe it or not, the word "MOM" is now under attack by the "Woke" Crowd 
Who want to call Moms "Birthing People" instead.
So now the word "MOM" can be added to their ever growing List of what is now Tabu to say.
 Well F.Y.I. I'm not changing one word I use.
Who do these people think they are anyway? 
Always Pissing, whinning and out right demanding that everyone change their behaviour to what they deem to be "acceptable".
You all want to change your Vocabularies you go right ahead. 
For myself, I intend to go right on using whatever word I want to use any time I want to use it.
You all want to be treated like every one else?

Sunday, May 30, 2021


Baltimore County Schools are going to move all the Failing Students on to the next Grade this year.
Proving to all that:
Stupid is as Stupid does.
God help us when these kids come of age, and can't be kept out of Jobs that require some semblance of Intelligence.

Sunday, May 23, 2021


Once Corn Pop Bankrupts the Country, 
(because he wants to let all the democrats sit on their asses with their hands out) 
You can Trust and Believe he'll be raiding Social Security to pay it off so he doesn't go out of Office looking like the Complete loser he is.
I feel bad for all those who will be getting their
 "Re-Adjustment Letter" afterwards.
One more time those who played by the rules, worked hard, and paid into Social Security their whole lives, will now (as usual) have to pay for 
all the losers who could have worked, but found a way to sit on their asses with their hands out instead.

Monday, May 17, 2021


Listen, Y'all in the UK need to stop stressing so much over this Harry and Meagan stuff.
We all hear them talking to. 
And do you know who gives a Rats Ass in America about any Opinion they have?
Nobody that's who.
Yeah, we love Harry, Love having him here, really glad he's finally happy again, and for the most part we all wish them well.
 But past that, Nobody really cares what they have to say over here. 
They're just another Celebrity Couple who's Opinions don't mean Squat to anyone but them, and maybe their Fans. But the average person over here doesn't really pay anymore attention to what they say, then any of the other Celebrities who all feel like they have to somehow  "Make a difference" in the world.
So don't get your Knickers in a Twist over it.
Didn't Y'all hear Ricky Gervis when he hosted the Golden Globes?
He pretty much said what we're all thinking.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


Gas shortage starting up and down the East Coast.
And I garantee you, the same brain dead empty headed Illiterate Ass Hats that Horded all the Shit Paper, are the same Meat Heads who are doing this Bull Shit with the Gas now.
These MoFo's are just to dam stupid to be trusted on their own.
They've already said there will not be a Gas Shortage, so what are these fools going to do?
Well they're gonna run their Idiot asses out and start one by acting like a bunch of Dick's.
I can take a lot. 
But stupid I just can't do.

Saturday, April 3, 2021


I keep hearing about how we should all feel sorry for all the Illegal Aliens streaming across our Border. 
"Oh they're so poor and desperate for a better life"  and while I do not wish to be unsympathetic to their Plight, I can't help but feel that  If these Illeagles can afford to pay thousands of Dollars to have someone drop their Toddler's over a fourteen Foot Fence, and run away, they can dam well afford the Price it takes to come to America Legally.
Who do they think they are fooling?
How the hell are we supposed to believe these are Poor Opressed People coming here for a better life, while they are spending Thousands of Dollars to do it?
Butting in front of all those who are trying to do it the right way.
This is total Bullshit!
How fu*king stupid do they think we are?

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 I didn't watch Meaghan and Harrys Interview with Oprah Winfrey.  

I figured if they said anything earth shattering, I'd hear about it the next day.  

It's not that deep for me, so I'm not really clear on what all the hoopla is about. 

And I'm not sure what makes the Royal Family feel as if they were 

"Thrown under the Bus." either. 

I mean, surely this isn't the first time 

"The Firm" has come up in conversation.

 We all heard and saw how Diana was treated, by "The Firm," and she made no effort to hide the way she felt about them.  Nor has Sarah Ferguson.

whatever you choose to call them,   

"The Firm," "The Queens Advisors," "The Gray Men," or The "Men In Gray," they are always around.  Always in her Majesty's ear.  

And they don't always get it right either.   

So I'm not sure how I feel about the situation. 

 What I am sure of is this:

I do not place any blame on the Queen, 

The Royal Family, or Meaghan and Harry.

I am however Highly Suspicious of 

"The Firm". 


 Migrants are barreling through barriers, and Police to stream into America because they believe that Joe Biden has promised them a Free Ride, and They want it now!

And they aren't alone as millions more are getting ready to come as well..

four years of America being inundated with people from other Countries, all coming here for "A Better Quality Of Life". 

And we have no idea who they are.

We don't know their Criminal background if they have one,  or if they are Terrorist's, or weather or not they are sick with a transmittable Virus, or Disease. 

And as it turns out, a whole lot of them are.

And what are they doing about that? 

 They're putting them on busses and sending them to different destinations all over the Country. 

And it doesn't seem like Corn Pop and Trixie even care.

I'm watching all this on the News, and I  couldn't help but wonder 


Friday, February 12, 2021


 Mitt Romney now wants to give everyone with a child $350.00 per month per child.

Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what this is going to lead to now that the Government is paying people to have children?

How's that going to work with separated, and/or divorced couples?

Who gets the money if they both have custody, but are no longer together? 

And all those who have no children? 

Well you can all just go Fuck yourselves.

"And don't forget to pay the lady!"

 (at tax time!)

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


 Concrete Barriers, Razor Wire,

 Twenty Five Thousand Armed National Guard Troops, the FBI, and Local Law Enforcement on guard.

And that's just what we know about.

No, it's not a Foreign country overseas,

It's Washington DC. 

Your Nations Capital.

And it's under siege by the very people who condoned, sided with, and even praised 

BLM, and others, while Cities were burning, Stores were being looted, peoples homes attacked, and innocent bystanders were dragged from their Vehicles, robbed, and beaten within an inch of their lives. 

Where was the outrage then?

The Streets In DC are closed off for blocks now.  

You can't even get close to all the things they take taxes out of every check you earn to maintain.  

Remember when the White House was attacked during the Riots?  

Nobody really cared about that to much did they.  They were all to busy laughing at the fact that the President was taken to the Underground Bunker for his own safety.

Did they call in the National Guard?

No they did not. 

And those who attacked the White House? were they hunted down, and Prosecuted? .

No they were not. 

They had a Street named after them. 

I'm about sick to the back teeth now with all the hypocrisy, and the double standards being forced down everyone's throat with the  

"Let's just forget about it and move on" attitude coming from Washington. 

So I'll leave you all with this thought:

Concrete Barriers, Razor Wire,

 Twenty Five Thousand Armed National Guard Troops, the FBI, and Local Law Enforcement on guard.

Does this look to you like the Swearing in of someone who won an honest Election?