Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Now you have to make your Child wear a Mask to School weather they want  to or not. 
And the School Board says there's nothing you can do about it. 
So what happens if everyone takes their kids out of Public Schools? 
And puts them in Private School if they can afford it.
Or Home Schools them.
I think the School Board might change their tune then.
It seems to me the Public School System is largely made up of Democrats.
But in my opinion, Democrats are weak minded, because they can be, and are ruled by fear.
Yet they have no qualms at all about the thousands of possibly Covid ridden Migrants (and lord knows what else) streaming across the border on a daily. 
No tests, or shots for them. No Mask Mandates either.
Then they bus them all over the country.
But your Child must mask up to go to School.
I'll tell you what I think about  this Mask Mandate.
 I think Biden is fueling this Pandemic. 
Put a mask on that.

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