Thursday, November 12, 2020


Deutsche Bank is proposing a 

"Work From Home Tax".

Food Prices are Rising, State and Federal Taxes going up for EVERYONE and not just for those who make four hundred thousand dollars a year like the left keeps saying. 

And if President Pervy manages to get cheated in, there go your Guns, and most of your rights. 

Like Senater Kennedy says:

You have nothing to worry about unless you are Middle Class, a Business Owner, a Policeman, a parent, a Gun Owner, a Tax Payer, a Religious Person, or an Unborn Child.

And it's a lot to endure just so some people can sit there with their hands in their pants watching President Pervy fondle little kids on TV.

If you read the Bible, you knew this was coming.

And I know it has to happen.

I just wish it didn't have to happen in my lifetime.


Sunday, August 30, 2020


I saw a news clip the other day where a group of BLM protesters marched into a white neighborhood, and demanded that all the residents of that neighborhood give their homes, and possessions  to them.
Did Y'all see that?
And I'm sitting there thinking, Oh sure I'll do that.
After working three Jobs at times, resulting in two bad Knees, and a bad Back,
working my Ass to the bone for almost 35 years at the same job.
 Killing myself on a snow crew for 18 years plowing, and shoveling, chopping ice, and throwing fifty pound bags of salt around  to get overtime so I can get what I have now, I'll just go ahead and hand all that over to you.
And how do they think they will be able to keep these things once given over to them?
are the Whites expected to continue to pay the Mortgage, any Home Repairs, Gas and Electric Bill, Buy food, Gas for the car, Pay for Car Repairs,  the Home Owners Insurance, The monthly Condo Fee, The Cable Bill, The Car Insurance, The Home Warranty Renewal, and The water pipe Insurance in case that freezes and needs to be replaced?
 And let's not forget the yearly Taxes. 
Anyone else find it interesting that the only thing they AREN'T ever demanding you hand over to them is your job?

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


These democrats.
What's it going to take for them to wake the hell up?
You don't see people being beaten within an inch of their lives every day?
You think Biden or any of the rest of the democrats are going to stop it?
 Hell they don't care now. You think they're going to care once they're elected?
You think they're going to care when your son, daughter, or grandchild comes home half naked, (because someone stole their clothes and shoes) with a broken nose, black eyes, teeth knocked out, and maybe some internal injuries after they were jumped by a group of kids who beat the hell out of them robbed, them, and God knows what else they'll do to them  because they're white?
You think maybe you just might  be a wee bit concerned about it then?
Or are you just going to tell them to tuck their Asshole back in and hope for a better day tommorow.
Trump even hints about stopping it, and according to the Democrats,  he's the biggest racist on the planet.
But they're going to care about your kid getting attacked right?

Friday, June 19, 2020


All across America White People are being attacked and beaten into submission, or worse.
 In Malls and parking lots, even in the streets. 
 Rioters allowed to run rampid looting, and burning everything in sight. 
Because 400 years ago, white people owned black slaves and they believe this is the reason why their lives are the way they are today. 
They say they want Justice. They say they want Reparations,
 And without saying it, they want to be able to beat the hell out of any white person they encounter, and get away with it.  
I've been watching this spectical unfold for a while now, and I can't just sit here with this information anymore, and not try to put an end to this madness.
History isn't pretty at times, but it is the truth of how our country came to be.
 So here it is. Worts and all, and there will be alot of people who don't like it, and many who will simply not accept the ugly truth that The first Slave Holder in America was a man named Anthony Johnson. 
And Anthony Johnson was a Black Man.
Yes, you read that right.  
The First Slave Holder in America was a Black Man. And his slave was named John Casor. An indentured servant who's contract was purchased by Anthony Johnson.

It's true. Weather you want to believe it or not.
 And there are many who don't want this particular piece of history to be known about because it doesn't fit the Narrative.
But don't take my word for it. Look it up yourselves, and you will find the awful truth.
 You may not want to believe it, but you will find it. And you will also find that Anthonys neighbor Robert Parker 
(a white man) tried to have John freed, but Anthony took him to court and won. So he got to keep his slave
And 400 years later, white people are STILL baring the brunt of the blame for slavery. 
When will people accept the fact that EVERY race had a hand in Slavery. 
And stop acting like White people are the ones who need to "payup" for this ugly part of our Nations History. 
Know your History.
The truth isnt always what you want to hear.
 But that doesnt mean you can just sweep it under the rug, or change it to your liking.

Anthony Johnson ( b. c. 1600 – d. 1670) was a black Angolan known for achieving freedom and wealth in the early 17th-century Colony of Virginia. He was one of the first African American property owners and had his right to legally own a slave recognized by the Virginia courts.

Saturday, June 6, 2020


If they're going to defund the Police let them do it in Minneapolis, so the rest of us can safely watch as they discover just how rediculas this idea is.
Yes many will be injured, and many more will die.
But Somebody is going to have to be the Sacrificial Lamb here aren't they. To show the rest of the Country what a stupid idea this is.
And I feel like it should be the State that wanted to do it to begin with.
And to all those who do not want this, please take this time now to find a State that doesn't want to defund the Police, and move there while you can still sell your home.
I don't imagine anyone outside of your State will be flocking there to live once the carnage starts.
 Nobody but Crimminals anyway.
And why should they worry about buying your home when they can just throw you and your family out in the street (or worse) and take it from you.
Who's going to stop them?

Saturday, May 30, 2020


Like everyone else, I've seen the Riots going on all over the Country. 
And I'd like to apologize to Mr. Floyd and his family on behalf of all those who aren't using his death for their own personal gain.
And to all those who are, I'd like to say the following:

What are you all 12 years old?
Grow the hell up and realize you can't just Terrorize people into getting what you want. 
And don't think we all aren't aware of the fact that some of you are only hiding behind this mans death to take your anger out on the Police, and/or because you aren't happy with your own situation in life.  
Change it!  Don't hide behind this mans death to take your anger out on the world.
This has to stop!
No matter what the outcome of this Officers trial is, George Floyd Deserved better then this.
He doesn't deserve to have his name linked to this type of behavior.   
They did it to Rodney King, They did it to Freddie Gray,   And now they are doing it to Geroge Floyd to.
  We get the anger, and the feelings of injustice.
 But smashing windows? Setting cars on fire, Looting Businesses, and burning them to the ground?  That's not a protest.  That's Terrorism.
 And These people don't even have the Humanity to be ashamed of themselves.  
What Some of you all are doing in this mans name is disgusting,  and there is no excuse for your actions.
You need to stand up, grow a set, and stop using this poor mans death as an excuse to do your dam Christmas Shopping.

Thursday, May 28, 2020


I'm so sick of all these Fake, hypocritical people posting all these  #Benice, #Bekind hashtags everywhere.
Like they didn't shove the elderly out of the way to get to the Toilet Tissue during the Pandemic.
 #Bekind turned into: #Ivegotminefu*keverybodyelse real quick once the stay at home orders started didn't it.
Where were all the #bekind people then? I'll tell you where they were, they were hording Sh*t Paper, and anything else they could get their hands on without one care, or thought for anyone else's needs.
All they were worried about was themselves.
So save me all the Hypocritical remarks hashtags, and answers about being unkind to others, because the Cat is pretty much out of the bag on the
#bekind trend.
 And I'm #Overitnow

Friday, March 20, 2020



And this weeks "LYING MOFO" award goes to:
For falsely telling everyone that they are reserving their store hours from 6:00 am to 8:00 am for those who are age 60 and up.
I went there this morning at 6:15 am, and guess what?
There was no one at the front door checking ID's to see if you were 60 or up.
  People of all ages were streaming in the front door with not a care in the world for anyone other then themselves the Ignorant Bastards!
Not that there was much left on the shelves to begin with.
Your stores are already makeing a sh*t ton of money off this Caronnavirus outbreak as it is.  Prices are higher then they've ever been at all the Grocery Stores now.
You don't need to Pander to the Older Crowd in an attempt to try to make even more.
Especially since you obviously have no intentions at all of  honoring your word.
And for this you are the this weeks winner of
Not Cool Giant!
Not Cool!!

Saturday, March 14, 2020


According to The Mayo Clinic:
"Your doctor can't detect it in your blood or see it on an X-ray. Instead, fibromyalgia appears to be linked to changes in how the brain and spinal cord process pain signals. Because there is no test for fibromyalgia, your doctor must rely solely on your group of symptoms to make a diagnosis."

Read that again. 
Your Doctor cannot detect that you have it so he has to take your word for it that you do. 

On what planet can you just tell somebody you're in pain, and are to sick to work, and be handed a check for it with no proof whatsoever (other then your word) that you have it.

Fibromialga has become the new "go to" condition for all those who want to lay on their asses with their hands in everyone else's pockets.

I know someone who claims to have this condition, and they claim they can't work because of it.

But I can tell you first hand that it certainly does NOT affect their apitite.

And obtaining a Medical Marijuana Card seems to be the goal of a lot of those who claim to have this condition.

I have a suggestion that I believe would weed out (no pun intended) all those who just want to lay around, smoke Pot, and eat on your dime.

I propose that Congress create a bill that says instead of giving you a check, anyone who claims to have this condition be sent to a Medical facility instead, and be made to stay there until they are cured. 

If they did that it is my belief  you'd see the biggest mass miracle cure since the first comming of Christ.

Saturday, January 4, 2020


After years of Iran picking on, taunting, Dareing,  Insulting, and killing Americans, and their Alies, Iran has now come face to face with someone who simply will  not tolerate it any longer.  
And this President will not be sending them pallots full of money to enshure everyones  safety either. 
Nope.  Not this Dude.
 Iran found out pretty quickly what happens when you continue to harm  America or it's Alies while he's in charge of things.  And they don't like it either.
Seems they've gotten used to American Presidents bowing to their threats, actions, and insults over the years so President Trumps actions must have been pretty shocking to them and they are now vowing Revenge.
But as far as I can see, Trump has done the right thing.  
I mean, come on now, this was no Altar boy we're talking about here.  This General is responsible for, and was planing further attacks on Americans, and  American Alies, and Interests.
 So what was President Trump supposed to do wait for even more people to die? 
 And just in case anyone missed it, It has been reported that a great deal of celebration has broken out in the streets of his own country after his death was reported there. 

President Trump did the right thing.  Somebody had to before it was to late.
 It's kind of hard to feel sorry for them when they pretty much brought it on themselves.
President Trump has now put Iran on notice:

"If you Kill someone from America we will kill you back."--Ron White