Thursday, May 28, 2020


I'm so sick of all these Fake, hypocritical people posting all these  #Benice, #Bekind hashtags everywhere.
Like they didn't shove the elderly out of the way to get to the Toilet Tissue during the Pandemic.
 #Bekind turned into: #Ivegotminefu*keverybodyelse real quick once the stay at home orders started didn't it.
Where were all the #bekind people then? I'll tell you where they were, they were hording Sh*t Paper, and anything else they could get their hands on without one care, or thought for anyone else's needs.
All they were worried about was themselves.
So save me all the Hypocritical remarks hashtags, and answers about being unkind to others, because the Cat is pretty much out of the bag on the
#bekind trend.
 And I'm #Overitnow

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