Saturday, June 6, 2020


If they're going to defund the Police let them do it in Minneapolis, so the rest of us can safely watch as they discover just how rediculas this idea is.
Yes many will be injured, and many more will die.
But Somebody is going to have to be the Sacrificial Lamb here aren't they. To show the rest of the Country what a stupid idea this is.
And I feel like it should be the State that wanted to do it to begin with.
And to all those who do not want this, please take this time now to find a State that doesn't want to defund the Police, and move there while you can still sell your home.
I don't imagine anyone outside of your State will be flocking there to live once the carnage starts.
 Nobody but Crimminals anyway.
And why should they worry about buying your home when they can just throw you and your family out in the street (or worse) and take it from you.
Who's going to stop them?

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