Friday, August 5, 2022


The Mayor who is whinning  about Illegal Immigrants coming into his State has turned down numerous request to visit the border.
Instead the Mayor of New York had this to say:
"They need to do a better job at the Border, and find housing for these people instead of sending them here."  "We're getting 100 immigrants a day here."
Try 5,000 a day, and 500,000 getaways so far.
You know what that means right?
We have no idea weather any and/or all of them are terrorists.
How would you like to deal with that on a Daliy Mr. Mayor?
Instead of whinning about it, how about doing something to secure the border, instead of just bitching about it because you now have to deal with it directly.
You never heard anything from Democrats while the Border States were the only ones dealing with this crisis. and now he wants help?
He should speak to the Mayors who have been, and still are begging for Federal Help which to date has still  not come.
Let's see what happens now.

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