Tuesday, June 7, 2022


Biden says he knows the pain everyone is going through now.
He should. 
He orchestrated it when he flooded the country with stimulus checks.
AKA "Payback Cash".
But he had to do it now didn't he.
He owes everybody, and some other Countries as well.
Border Wide open, Millions pouring into the Country unchecked. 
And so many "Get Aways" they don't even know how many there are.
Food and Gas prices rising on a daily, and people are really struggling to survive now.
And he knows?
Then do something about it you f-ing Loser!!
You created this whole situation at the Border when you reversed everything President Trump did to protect us from foreign Invaders. 
An Oath YOU yourself took on Inauguration Day, and have failed to uphold since.
He knows.
 Yeah, he ought to.
He worked hard enough to create this whole katastrophy didn't he.
What a F-ing Sh* t Show.
Mid Term Elections can't come quick enough.

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