Saturday, May 14, 2022


Congress votes themselves a Five and a Half Percent Cost Of Living Raise.
Every Year????
Are you kidding me?
No wonder they have no clue, nor do they even care how hard it is to live.
Because they aren't living it.
Inflation? High Prices? No Food on the Table?
What's that when you're pulling a Five and a half Percent Cost Of Living Raise every year. 
Meanwhile, America has become a rampant mess of Crime, High Prices, and an Open Border letting anything that can walk, swim, or crawl in, to be distributed around the Country adding to the already impossible burden of living. (Because they demand to live better then you)
With no end, or hope of Improvement in sight.
And these Ass Hats can vote themselves a Five and a Half Percent C.O.L.A. every year?
How stupid do you feel right now?

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