Monday, May 30, 2022


No matter which Party you are in, this Country Seriously can not continue on this way for much longer. 
No matter who is in Office, It's impossible to live under Democratic Rule. 
If you can't see how in a few short months. we've gone from being the first. In everything, to being the last, with everyone struggling to live, then you are part of the problem, and you need to pack your duds and move to a Socialist Country, because you are NOT an American.
In my eyes You are a freeloader just bringing my Country down.
We need to live.
And we can't do that with millions of people taking advantage of the working class.
If you live in a State where your Vote Counts then VOTE REPUBLICAN in The Midterm Elections.
Vote the Democrats out of power, so we can start the process of getting this Country back into the hands off those who are paying for everything.

"Givers need to set Boundaries, because Takers don't have any"

Saturday, May 14, 2022


Congress votes themselves a Five and a Half Percent Cost Of Living Raise.
Every Year????
Are you kidding me?
No wonder they have no clue, nor do they even care how hard it is to live.
Because they aren't living it.
Inflation? High Prices? No Food on the Table?
What's that when you're pulling a Five and a half Percent Cost Of Living Raise every year. 
Meanwhile, America has become a rampant mess of Crime, High Prices, and an Open Border letting anything that can walk, swim, or crawl in, to be distributed around the Country adding to the already impossible burden of living. (Because they demand to live better then you)
With no end, or hope of Improvement in sight.
And these Ass Hats can vote themselves a Five and a Half Percent C.O.L.A. every year?
How stupid do you feel right now?

Sunday, May 8, 2022


I don't understand what makes people think because you're single, you should have money.
First of all, You have half of what everybody else has to live on.
And if you can't understand that, then understand this.
From this day foreword, no matter what your boyfriend girlfriend. Roommate, or the dude your laying under to live makes, all that is gone now.
All you have to live on now is what you make, or fake for the money you get every month.
Not one penny more.
Now sit your happy ass down and figure out how you're going to pay the bills with that.
And THAT'S how easy living single is.