Look, I understand that some people may need a little help making Ends Meet in todays world.
Add a child or two to the mix, and it gets even harder.
I got that.
Here's what I don't get:
If you can't afford to have a child, and you know you can't afford to have a Child, and you have one anyway, I don't think I should have to pay for your choice.
Listen, I'd LOVE to have my 74 350 SS Nova back again. But guess what? I couldn't afford to keep it up and running.
So it had to go.
But wait! how about I just go out and buy another one?
Is anyone going to send me a check once a month to help me pay for a choice I knew I couldn't afford to make, but went ahead and did it any way because I wanted to?
No they are not.
And why not I ask?
And the answer is always the same.
"It was "your" Choice to make the decision to buy and/or take on something you knew you couldn't afford, so now it's on you to pay for it."
Y'all see where I'm going with this?