All across America White People are being attacked and beaten into submission, or worse.
In Malls and parking lots, even in the streets.
Rioters allowed to run rampid looting, and burning everything in sight.
Because 400 years ago, white people owned black slaves and they believe this is the reason why their lives are the way they are today.
They say they want Justice. They say they want Reparations,
And without saying it, they want to be able to beat the hell out of any white person they encounter, and get away with it.
I've been watching this spectical unfold for a while now, and I can't just sit here with this information anymore, and not try to put an end to this madness.
History isn't pretty at times, but it is the truth of how our country came to be.
So here it is. Worts and all, and there will be alot of people who don't like it, and many who will simply not accept the ugly truth that The first Slave Holder in America was a man named Anthony Johnson.
And Anthony Johnson was a Black Man.
Yes, you read that right.
The First Slave Holder in America was a Black Man. And his slave was named John Casor. An indentured servant who's contract was purchased by Anthony Johnson.
It's true. Weather you want to believe it or not.
And there are many who don't want this particular piece of history to be known about because it doesn't fit the Narrative.
But don't take my word for it. Look it up yourselves, and you will find the awful truth.
You may not want to believe it, but you will find it. And you will also find that Anthonys neighbor Robert Parker
(a white man) tried to have John freed, but Anthony took him to court and won. So he got to keep his slave
And 400 years later, white people are STILL baring the brunt of the blame for slavery.
When will people accept the fact that EVERY race had a hand in Slavery.
And stop acting like White people are the ones who need to "payup" for this ugly part of our Nations History.
Know your History.
The truth isnt always what you want to hear.
But that doesnt mean you can just sweep it under the rug, or change it to your liking.
Anthony Johnson ( b. c. 1600 – d. 1670) was a black Angolan known for achieving freedom and wealth in the early 17th-century Colony of Virginia. He was one of the first African American property owners and had his right to legally own a slave recognized by the Virginia courts.