Saturday, May 25, 2019


Christians believe he is called God.
Muslims believe his name is Allah.
People in India call him

Anywhere you go in the world it's a good bet you're going to hear him called by a different name then the one you call him.
But this seems to be a major issue with some folks doesn't it.
 Wars are fought because of it.
And many have died over it.
 I can't quite understand what all the fuss is about what you call someone.
So I went back to my own source and looked it up. And here's what I found:
When Moses knelt before The Burning Bush, he asked God what his name was.
"The people will want to know"
He's said.
"Who should I tell them you are?" He asked.
And God answered,
'I am who I am.'
"Tell them I Am,"
And I took that to mean:
I am God, I am Allah, I am Buddha, I am whoever you choose to refer to me as.
I mean it's just so simple isn't it. And it's right there for all the world to see. Or whoever cares to see it.
It doesn't matter what name you call him by, as long as you call him, it's all good with him.
We are all worshiping the same person, entity, God, call him what you will.
So can somebody please tell me
What is everybody fighting for?

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