Anyone else tired of the "Simpson's" comparasons to what is happening in the world today?
I just read an artical about how The Simpson's have (yet again) predicted the future in one of their earlier shows.
Seems this kid who made her nasty little climate change speech harkens back to an earlier episode of The Simpsons where Lisa Simpson gives a similar type of presentation at School in front of her class.
And I suppose now we are all meant to believe that everything the Simpsons put in their show years ago is happening now, or will happen in the future.
It all started off with Donald Trump becoming President. In the show, they showed him Riding an Escalator down to the lobby while he waved to the crowd.
How many times had he done that in his normal life before he even thought of becoming president?
Not to terribly hard to make a cartoon out of that is it.
And if anyone noticed, they also made Donald Trump the President in 1989 in Back To The Future II.
So who's to say this child didn't get her inspiration from the Simpson's 2007 show? Maybe she saw it and decided that she wanted to make that same type of speech.
Perhaps it isn't really a case of the Simpson's predicting the future at all.
Maybe it's just a case of wishful thinking on the part of those who want so badly for the Simpsons episode where President Trump is lying in a Casket to come true.
Which should tell you a little something about them.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Department Of Justice's Civil Rights Division has filed a Lawsuit against the Baltimore County Police department accusing them of Discrimination against Black Applicants.
The problem seems to be a written exam the department used to screen applicants for the job.
According to them more white Applicants then Black applicants were passing it. And that's discriminative, and unfair.
And here's why:
Your Color does NOT define your intelligence.
What DOES define your intelligence is your own choices, passion and drive for wanting to learn and succeed in the world.
If you made the conscious choice not to attend school to hang out with your buddies, or spend your day sitting on your parents couch playing video games surrounded by a cloud of your own Flatulence, you don't get to bitch, whine, and blame those who did choose to get an education and succeed.
YOU didn't feel the need to attend class, pay attention, and get a proper education. YOU made that choice. Nobody else made it for you. You can't come back later and cry discrimination and change the rules because you never learned what you needed to when you had the chance.
If you can't pass the dam test stop whining about it, go back to school, and learn what you should have learned while everyone else was learning it.
Dont' cry discrimination now to try to change the rules because you never cared about obtaining an education when you should have.
That's not fair to all those who did.
The problem seems to be a written exam the department used to screen applicants for the job.
According to them more white Applicants then Black applicants were passing it. And that's discriminative, and unfair.
And here's why:
Your Color does NOT define your intelligence.
What DOES define your intelligence is your own choices, passion and drive for wanting to learn and succeed in the world.
If you made the conscious choice not to attend school to hang out with your buddies, or spend your day sitting on your parents couch playing video games surrounded by a cloud of your own Flatulence, you don't get to bitch, whine, and blame those who did choose to get an education and succeed.
YOU didn't feel the need to attend class, pay attention, and get a proper education. YOU made that choice. Nobody else made it for you. You can't come back later and cry discrimination and change the rules because you never learned what you needed to when you had the chance.
If you can't pass the dam test stop whining about it, go back to school, and learn what you should have learned while everyone else was learning it.
Dont' cry discrimination now to try to change the rules because you never cared about obtaining an education when you should have.
That's not fair to all those who did.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
A HUGE case of the Ass was apparent in Baltimore recently, after President Trump Tweeted out the truth, about their City, calling it
"A Disgusting Rat, Rodent Infested Mess."
City Officials were so incensed, they held a press Conference At City Hall to dispute the Presidents Tweet, saying Baltimore is a great place to live and has a lot to offer. (insert laughter here)
"It is completely unacceptable for the political leader of our country to denigrate a vibrant American City like Baltimore. And to viciously attack U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings a patriot and a hero." The Mayor said.
As usual, they took the oportunity to talk sh*t about the President blameing him for not giving the City enough money to fix their problems.
"More Money!" seems to be the recurrent theme of City Officials anytime there is a problem in Baltimore City. (and it seems there is always a problem in Baltimore City)
But still no explanation as to where all the money they have been given to fix everything over the years has gone.
Representative Elijha Cummings did not attend, and one may wonder why since he never seemed to have any problems voicing his opinions before.
His absence from the Press Conference Leaves some to believe that Perhaps that pesky Money Funneling deal his wife is alledgetly involved in kept their "Hero" away from the reporters and any possible questions they may have reguarding it.
They did talk a pretty picture about How Baltimore City was a great place to live.
But they left out the fact that there were over three hundred murders last year, and this year the total may be larger still. And they seemed to forget all the attacks on tourists at Hotels and The Inner Harbor.
Nor did they mention the gangs of teens roaming the streets randomly beating people within an inch of their lives and robbing them.
And as far as the City being Rat and Rodant Infested, well that's not an insult, that's just common knowledge. Has been for years.
And their excuse?
"There are Rats all across the country".
As if that made it ok.
"There are two legged rats." Mayor Young said. An obvious swipe at the President for speaking the truth, when the real truth is, he should be grateful the President didn't mention the Bed Bug Epidemic as well.
Look, this dude can say whatever he wants to say about how great Baltimore City is today.
But as far as I'm concerned, the last decent mayor that city had was in 1971 when Willian Donald Schaefer was in office. And when he left in 1987, any semblance of integrity, and/or concern for the welfare of that City, and the people living within it went with him.
And Baltimore City ha$ been $liding into the $h*tter ever $ince.
My take on the situation is simply this.:
President Trump Tweeted the truth and they got p*ssed off about it.
Oh well! if you don't llike the truth, Then do something about it instead of blaming everyone else for your own failures.
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Now they're on the News trying to tell everyone it's safe to go to Baltimore's Inner Harbor again.
Safe? Ha! Yeah right.
Let's not bring up the couple who were recently attacked, robbed, and beaten into submission after leaving a restaurant by a group of thugs for no apparent reason.
And they aren't the first to be robbed and beaten within an inch of their lives because they dared to enter that city.
And it doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon either.
They all know what the problem is.
Until they stop hiding behind racism and do something about it, nothing will change.
And even worse, THESE are the thugs they want to give housing vouchers to so they can get them out of their city and into your counties so they don't have to deal with them anymore.
I say if they don't want to do anything about these animals who are running the city, then let it die it's own death.
You couldn't pay me to go into that Cess Pool.
And now they want to distribute this garbage into the counties?
No thank you.
If this keeps up people will start leaving the Counties to.
And Maryland will be right in line with Detroit and Chicago.
A vast wasteland of Section eight Housing, and Crime ridden neighborhood's. Because nobody has the balls to to speak up, or do something about the real problem that's plaguing the city of Baltimore.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Christians believe he is called God.
Muslims believe his name is Allah.
People in India call him
Anywhere you go in the world it's a good bet you're going to hear him called by a different name then the one you call him.
But this seems to be a major issue with some folks doesn't it.
Wars are fought because of it.
And many have died over it.
I can't quite understand what all the fuss is about what you call someone.
So I went back to my own source and looked it up. And here's what I found:
When Moses knelt before The Burning Bush, he asked God what his name was.
"The people will want to know"
He's said.
"Who should I tell them you are?" He asked.
And God answered,
'I am who I am.'
"Tell them I Am,"
And I took that to mean:
I am God, I am Allah, I am Buddha, I am whoever you choose to refer to me as.
I mean it's just so simple isn't it. And it's right there for all the world to see. Or whoever cares to see it.
It doesn't matter what name you call him by, as long as you call him, it's all good with him.
We are all worshiping the same person, entity, God, call him what you will.
So can somebody please tell me
What is everybody fighting for?
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Look, I'm the first to admit that when the world learned about Meghan and Harry I had my doubts.
Not Gonna Lie about it.
I mean here this chick, seemingly unknown, comes out of nowhere, and sinks her hooks into Harry.
Our Harry.
The little boy we all watched walk with head down behind his moms Casket holding onto his fathers hand all those years ago. The child we all cried for, watched grow into a young man, and desperately hoped would be happy again one day.
And then SHE comes along, an Actress no less, when we never even knew she was there to begin with.
And before we know it, They're getting married and having a baby.
Starting a life together as husband and wife, and stepping back from the spotlight to do it in private.
And as it turns out, there are a lot of people who don't like that.
All I'm hearing now is "How Dare They".
And that's one of the kinder comments I've read about Harry's wife and their relationship.
Seems there's a good deal of people who are of the mind that they should have been kept informed of Harry's private life and feelings. And they don't believe He's picked the right woman to marry either. And none of them have any problem declaring those beliefs.
"She's to old"
"She's a good Actress," "Her family is crazy.", "She's to pushy" "She's trapped him into it," "She just wants attention", "She's just using him." "She just wants his money" "She wants to change the Monarchy." " She just wants to be famous". "She wants to be Diana.", "She wants to be the Queen."
How can one woman have so many agendas?
Harry seems to love her. He dated her for two years and nobody even knew about it. There was a reason for that.
His private life is nobodies business. Doesn't matter who he is or where his money comes from, the man is entitled to a private life same as anyone else.
There is no excuse for how some people are acting.
They're Royal, They aren't Zoo Animals to be on display 24/7.
You don't need to know every aspect of their private lives, or what they are doing all the time.
If people don't stop all this nastiness, towards Harry's wife and child, they may well end up losing one of their Princes, because they may both decide to move to America, or somewhere else, so their child doesn't have to be subjected to all this nastiness.
And who's fault will that be?
Not Gonna Lie about it.
I mean here this chick, seemingly unknown, comes out of nowhere, and sinks her hooks into Harry.
Our Harry.
The little boy we all watched walk with head down behind his moms Casket holding onto his fathers hand all those years ago. The child we all cried for, watched grow into a young man, and desperately hoped would be happy again one day.
And then SHE comes along, an Actress no less, when we never even knew she was there to begin with.
And before we know it, They're getting married and having a baby.
Starting a life together as husband and wife, and stepping back from the spotlight to do it in private.
And as it turns out, there are a lot of people who don't like that.
All I'm hearing now is "How Dare They".
And that's one of the kinder comments I've read about Harry's wife and their relationship.
Seems there's a good deal of people who are of the mind that they should have been kept informed of Harry's private life and feelings. And they don't believe He's picked the right woman to marry either. And none of them have any problem declaring those beliefs.
"She's to old"
"She's a good Actress," "Her family is crazy.", "She's to pushy" "She's trapped him into it," "She just wants attention", "She's just using him." "She just wants his money" "She wants to change the Monarchy." " She just wants to be famous". "She wants to be Diana.", "She wants to be the Queen."
How can one woman have so many agendas?
Harry seems to love her. He dated her for two years and nobody even knew about it. There was a reason for that.
His private life is nobodies business. Doesn't matter who he is or where his money comes from, the man is entitled to a private life same as anyone else.
There is no excuse for how some people are acting.
They're Royal, They aren't Zoo Animals to be on display 24/7.
You don't need to know every aspect of their private lives, or what they are doing all the time.
If people don't stop all this nastiness, towards Harry's wife and child, they may well end up losing one of their Princes, because they may both decide to move to America, or somewhere else, so their child doesn't have to be subjected to all this nastiness.
And who's fault will that be?
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Measles. It's a disease that can be fatal, and there are some who just don't want to have their children vaccinated. For whatever reason.
And that's their right.
But what happens when your child grows up and becomes an adult. What if they come across another Anti-vaxxers child who has the Measles, but your now adult child doesn't know it, and contracts the disease?
You think it's going to be easier for them to deal with then?
Listen, it's your child. You have the right to do what ever you see fit to do.
But others also have the right to their own opinions on the subject as well.
And they have the right to not want their child around yours, because your child hasn't been vaccinated without you calling them names, and getting "A case of the Ass" about it.
And that's their right.
But what happens when your child grows up and becomes an adult. What if they come across another Anti-vaxxers child who has the Measles, but your now adult child doesn't know it, and contracts the disease?
You think it's going to be easier for them to deal with then?
Listen, it's your child. You have the right to do what ever you see fit to do.
But others also have the right to their own opinions on the subject as well.
And they have the right to not want their child around yours, because your child hasn't been vaccinated without you calling them names, and getting "A case of the Ass" about it.
Friday, March 22, 2019
There's a group called "TakeEmDownEverywhere"
who's goal is to remove every and all symbols of White Supremacy from sight.
Confederate Monuments, School Names, Bridges, Streets, and Parks are all fair game if they deem them to have any sort of White Supremacy Symbols. And they'd like to take it world wide.
Here's my thoughts:
Should one group of people really get to decide for the rest of the world what is or is not Offensive?
Should one group of people have the right to dictate what, or how much History the world is allowed to know about?
Martan Luther King wasn't an advocate of Gay Rights. Let's say another group of people comes along and finds his Statue Offensive, and they want it removed.
Should that Statue be taken down?, and if not then why not? Is this groups feelings and opinions not as important as any other groups feelings and opinions? And where does it end?
Thomas Jefferson owned slaves. Is that Monument next? George Washington owned slaves. Does that make the Washington Monument fair game to?
Well Hell let's just rip everything down.
Burn all the history books!
screw the past and anything that happend and just start all over again!
I mean what could go wrong?
Friday, February 22, 2019
I don't understand this $15.00 an hour Minimum wage raise some people are pushing for.
In my day You had to have a job so You could live.
If that job didn't pay enough, then you got two jobs until you could find one job that did pay enough to live on.
You lived where you could afford to live.
The State didn't raise the minimum wage so you could afford to live there.
Listen, this isn't brain surgery. You can have the life you want. You just have to put the work in.
Establish yourself.
Get a job and stay there until retirement instead of hopping around from job to job trying to find yourself a better deal.
You can make your own better deal by staying there (depending on the job you choose) if the job has a pension, benefits, or both. Which is what you should be looking for to begin with.
And don't expect to walk in the door and make $20.00 an hour either.
Take whatever job you can to get your foot in the door and eventually you can work your way up to the job you really want.
And as the years go by you'll get more money through raises, or cost of living adjustments, etc. It can be done.
You can have it all.
You just can't have it all at once.
Not unless you win the Lottery anyway.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
"Empire" actor Jussie Smollett
Paid $3,500.00 dollars to two men from Nigera to attack him by throwing Bleach on him and hanging a Noose around his neck because he wanted to make Trump Supporters look recist.
But now that he's been caught he says he did it because he wasn't happy with his salary.
Oh really Jussie? But you've got $3,500.00 dollars lying around for This shit?
Yeah. OK.
Makes you wonder how many other stories have been made up. And how are we supposed to believe anyone else now?
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Thanks Facebook!
Facebook thinks prisoners need cutting edge computer skills like Coding, so Zuckerburg and his wife are teaching them how to do it because they believe the inmates will have a better chance at finding a job if they have computer skills.
Just so y'all know who to go after when your Accounts get hacked.
Thanks Facebook!
Facebook thinks prisoners need cutting edge computer skills like Coding, so Zuckerburg and his wife are teaching them how to do it because they believe the inmates will have a better chance at finding a job if they have computer skills.
Just so y'all know who to go after when your Accounts get hacked.
Thanks Facebook!
Saturday, February 16, 2019
So The DOJ (Department Of Justice) held secret meetings to figure out a way to oust our President.
A political coup if you will.
Can you say Treason?
Because that's what this is.
So why is nothing being done about this? Years ago they all would have been hanged. But today? Well they just walk back what they said and go on with it.
Can you imagine if this would have happened when Obama was in office? The investigations would no doubt still be going on today.
Sunday, February 10, 2019
You gotta love these Ass Hats in Baltimore City.
Just because the States Attorney Marilyn Mosby said she will no longer prosecute Marijuana, arrests, these fools think they're gonna meet up today on the corner of Dumb and Dummer, (otherwise known as Rose and Monument Street) and have themselves a Weed Fest Smoke Out!
A group of people who have decided that THEY now make the rules, are planning to "light up" outside in broad daylight for all the world to see.
NEWS FLASH you Idiots!!!
Yes Marijuana was decriminalized in Maryland. You are allowed to possess up to 10 Grams. But just like you can't stand outside and drink Alchohal, you are also NOT allowed to stand on the corner and smoke your Weed! How can you not understand that?
Now watch how many of them have the nerve to be surprised and pissed off when they get locked up for breaking the Law.
Just because the States Attorney Marilyn Mosby said she will no longer prosecute Marijuana, arrests, these fools think they're gonna meet up today on the corner of Dumb and Dummer, (otherwise known as Rose and Monument Street) and have themselves a Weed Fest Smoke Out!
A group of people who have decided that THEY now make the rules, are planning to "light up" outside in broad daylight for all the world to see.
NEWS FLASH you Idiots!!!
Yes Marijuana was decriminalized in Maryland. You are allowed to possess up to 10 Grams. But just like you can't stand outside and drink Alchohal, you are also NOT allowed to stand on the corner and smoke your Weed! How can you not understand that?
Now watch how many of them have the nerve to be surprised and pissed off when they get locked up for breaking the Law.
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Will be posting my blog on my Facebook page if this site shuts down. Until I find another Blog Site I like.
It will be made "public" in the "Pages" section
(on Facebook) for all to read.
To the 6,000 readers of my Blog around the world, I thank you for joining me and I do hope you've enjoyed reading my posts. Follow me to "pages" on Facebook if you wish to continue reading them.
I wish you a happy life!
God Bless you all!
Donna Mister AKA Donna M
It will be made "public" in the "Pages" section
(on Facebook) for all to read.
To the 6,000 readers of my Blog around the world, I thank you for joining me and I do hope you've enjoyed reading my posts. Follow me to "pages" on Facebook if you wish to continue reading them.
I wish you a happy life!
God Bless you all!
Donna Mister AKA Donna M
Sunday, January 27, 2019
In my humble opinion, President Trump has done more for this country in his first years in office then any other President we've had.
In my time anyway.
Unfortunately, he's had to fight all the RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) for his first two years in office.
That's why he couldn't get some of the things done that he wanted to.
And let's be clear here.
Most, if not all of these "Career Politicions" (regardless of their party) do NOT want President Trump to succeed.
If he does, then he's proven that a Non Politicion can and will do better then the Career Politicos who have been running the Government for years.
I mean just look at the damage he's done so far.
The American Citizens will now be expecting them to show up to work, (God Forbid) and do their jobs everyday, instead of covorting all over the world with family and friends on the Tax Payers Dime.
And they'll (Career Politician) also have to deal with the fact that there could well be new Non Political people who could be in charge in the future should Trump succeed, who owe noone, and can't be told what to do. What a Nightmare!!!!
In my time anyway.
Unfortunately, he's had to fight all the RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) for his first two years in office.
That's why he couldn't get some of the things done that he wanted to.
And let's be clear here.
Most, if not all of these "Career Politicions" (regardless of their party) do NOT want President Trump to succeed.
If he does, then he's proven that a Non Politicion can and will do better then the Career Politicos who have been running the Government for years.
I mean just look at the damage he's done so far.
The American Citizens will now be expecting them to show up to work, (God Forbid) and do their jobs everyday, instead of covorting all over the world with family and friends on the Tax Payers Dime.
And they'll (Career Politician) also have to deal with the fact that there could well be new Non Political people who could be in charge in the future should Trump succeed, who owe noone, and can't be told what to do. What a Nightmare!!!!
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