Saturday, July 21, 2018


So now they're rolling out all these perks and freebies to help people with college debt.
To payoff their loans, and buy a home etc.etc.etc.
And if your one of the ones  who's already done it the way you're supposed to, and broke your ass working to get what you have in life, and then paid off your debts,  well you can all just go f*ck yourselves.
Maryland!  "The Free State"
For everyone who just can't quite cut it on their own and make a life for themselves.  Well here ya go. Here's a free one. Courtesy of all those who have worked for theirs.
And don't even give
 a thought to the fact that the rest of the world views you as to much of a loser  to make it on your own, and take care of yourselves.
 It must really be nice to have everything handed to you in life.

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