Yesterday, I was in a Facebook comments section on a post when I posted what I thought was a funny Meme on Facebook.
Turns out some whinny, nutless little wonder, who would never have the nerve to say anything to your face, reported my funny Meme to Facebook and I got thrown into Facebook Jail for 24 hours.
And let's be clear. I'm not upset about that.
I consider it a badge of honer, and can now look my fellow "Facebook Jail" inmates in the face.
What I don't like, is the fact that somewhere right now, I envision some sweaty little shit sitting in their parents basement piously pouring over everyone else's posts deciding what they do, and do not think is acceptable so they can report it to Facebook, and have you thrown into jail so you can't post anything else they can't take.
Well F.Y.I!
If you can't handle getting back what you give, you have no business being in the comments section of anything posted on the Internet. Running to Daddy to taddle because you don't like what somebody else said only makes you look like what you are.
A whinny little shit Snowflake who can't handle the fact that in the real world, there is no Trophy just for being there. Grow the Hell up you Crybaby! Like it or not, you are not the only one entitled to an opinion.
I don't know what's more absurd here. Being thrown into Facebook Jail because of some Snively little Shit reporting a post they don't agree with, or the fact that they are reporting it to a man who cries open borders, while building a wall around his home to keep others out.
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