Saturday, August 19, 2017


Susan Bro, the mother of the girl who was killed in the Charlottesville, Va. Protests, and who it seems,  has never met a Television, or press reporter she didn't like,  has given yet another interview.  This time about how she has no intention of accepting any kind of condolences from the White House.
Unfortunately for Ms. Bro,  President Trump didn't say what she wanted to hear.  
Which was that this whole situation is solely the responsibility of the Alt Right group, as the press refers to them, or the White Supremacy Hate Group as the Liberals have labeled them.  
He didn't lay the blame on either group but felt both groups shared the blame equally in the events that occurred.
  Parrish the thought!!
"You can't wish this away by shaking my hand and saying I'm sorry" Susan Bro says. 
Well Susan, You might want to ask any one of the parents of the Benghazi Victims if Hillary Clinton's wish ever came true because to this day, all they've ever gotten by way of an explanation is "what difference does it make?"
And as usual, the media and press have jumped in, or rather  on Trump as they always do (because they don't like him either)  this time because he didn't  say what they wanted him to say, or how they wanted him to say it.
In the meantime, the rest of the populace (67% according to one poll)  Are sitting back in amazement watching all this unfold and wondering what the hell the Liberals will come up with next.  And weather or not the removal of Confederate Statues really has as much to do with the Statues themselves, as it does with the Democrats still being pissed off because they lost to President Trump.

Thursday, August 10, 2017


I had never heard of Carole Radziwill before I saw her on The Real Housewives Of New York.  Never knew she was married to John Kennedy's cousin.  Never knew she was a Princess. Never read anything she wrote. Never even knew she was a writer.  But I liked her.  I liked Carole Radziwill.
She was real.  And it was only from watching that I found out her closest friend had been Johns wife Carolyn.  
So when her book "What Remains" came out I got it, and I read it. 
And while I may have started out envying Carole for having known and been such a good friend of Carolyn Kennedy,  I ended up envying  Carolyn Kennedy for having known, and been such a good friend of Carole Radziwill because this woman is the definition of strength and quiet dignity.
  She tells her story as it happened.  The whole story.  All the personal and sometimes painful details of a woman who, within weeks loses three people who meant the world to her.  Who were her world. 
What do you do when your life stops in mid live?

"What Remains" by Carole Radziwill   It's worth the read.