The 47% have now grown to 52%. The working folk are now out numbered by them.
It's over now.
America is finished.
With millions more streaming over the border on a daily to pick their particular illnesses to lay on their asses with their hands in the pockets of the working folk.
It had to happen sooner or later.
We're out numbered now. It won't be long before we're Venezuela.
If you have a job now, but can retire. Don't.
Because you can't anymore.
Sooner or later, the money will run out and there will be no more money to give to the Ass Sitters. And no jobs to be had because illegal immigrants will take them, and work for lower wages.
And that's when things will get really bad.
Ass sitters better wake up and get a job while there are jobs to be had.
These illegal aliens aren't going to care if you eat or not once there's enough of them here to get elected, take over the Government, and change all the rules to their liking.
This is exactly how Rome fell.
Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.
And it's not going to be pretty either.