A friend of mine called me about a week ago telling me a dude I used to date keeps asking about me.
Said he couldn't believe how nicely I treated him when we were together. I told them,
If he had treated me as nicely as I treated him, he wouldn't have to be asking about me all the time now.
This dude treated me like shit.
I don't know why I didn't kick his Ass to the curb long before I did, except he was a good lay.
Which was the only reason I put up with it as long as I did.
A Real Estate Dude, with a huge home, and pockets full of cash.
I told them to tell him no thank you.
I don't care if his Asshole is lined with Diamonds, I simply will not be treated that way.
I don't know how some of these chicks can do it.
Crawl up under a man to live because he has money, or something else they're after.
No self worth? No Self Respect at all?
And then you're going to let him treat you like shit on top of everybody knowing why you're with him to begin with?
No thank you.
I'll make my own way in the world before I will ever put up with being treated that way.
I'm worth more then that.
Much more.
If he couldn't see that while I was with him,
that's his loss.
He may see it now.
But he waited to long to realize what he had.
And that ship has sailed.
For some reason, I always ended up being
"The one that got away"
Seems to be my Lot in life.