Biden says he wants to limit the pain of fuel cost to the American People.
Well who do you think caused this shit to begin with?
Corn Pop was the one who gave this Ass Hat his Pipeline back, and shut ours down wasnt he.
Now they get to squeeze the hell out of us with higher fuel prices.
President Trump had all this fixed before this Ass Clown, and his former High End Escort were cheated into Office by people who never gave a dam about this Country, except for what they could get for themselves for free.
It absolutely was a matter of "Fuck the Country."
"We don't like Trump".
And that's exactly what they did when they cheated this loser into Office.
And now we all have to pay because they wanted to sit on their asses and get free money.
And they'll be the first ones to bitch and cry when the Cyber, attacks start.
The whole Country will have to suffer Because of their Narcisisum and greed,
This never would have happened if President Trump hadn't been cheated out of Office in the last Election.
I hope their free money was worth it, because the Bill has now come due.
And guess who's going to have to pay it.