Thursday, February 24, 2022


When Amazon first came into being, their products were fairly priced, and well made.
 But just like everything else it seems, as the years went by,  the quality and pricing of their products have slid right into the crapper. I've bought a lot of merchandise from Amazon over the years, but lately, most of it has just been garbage. 
Over priced, and Cheaply made. 
I will most certainly be rethinking any future purchases from Amazon.crap.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


Biden says he wants to limit the pain of fuel cost to the American People.
Well who do you think caused this shit to begin with?
Corn Pop was the one who gave this Ass Hat  his Pipeline back, and shut ours down wasnt he.
Now they get to squeeze the hell out of us with higher fuel prices.
President Trump had all this fixed before this Ass Clown, and his former High End Escort were cheated into Office by people who never gave a dam about this Country, except for what they could get for themselves for free.
It absolutely was a matter of "Fuck the Country." 
"We don't like Trump".
And that's exactly what they did when they cheated this loser into Office.
And now we all have to pay because they wanted to sit on their asses and get free money. 
And they'll be the first ones to bitch and cry when the  Cyber, attacks start.
 The whole Country will have to suffer Because of their Narcisisum and greed, 
This never would have happened if President Trump hadn't been cheated out of Office in the last Election.
I hope their free money was worth it, because the Bill has now come due.
And guess who's going to have to pay it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022


The Clinton Campaign paid to tie President Trump to Russia.
It's all coming out now in Declassified Documents.
What say you now Democrats?
Oh let me guess.
"Its not true". "It's not happening", etc etc...
Sorry, but it really is. 
Y'all need to wake up now, and smell the Coffee.
You're all Rocking the wrong "Woke."

Sunday, February 13, 2022


 Some of you deadbeat poor excuse for Grandparents need to get your lazy asses out the bed, or pull it up off the couch, and  pull yourselves together for your Grandchildren.
These kids need people to look to in life for direction, and all you are showing them is how much you don't care.
Some of y'all need to stop hiding behind your made up excuses, and start acting like the Grandparent you ought to be.
 Especialy the ones who are retired, and don't do shit with or for their Grandkids.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
You don't deserve the Title of Grandparent.

Friday, February 11, 2022


I don't care if your Cooch has a Six Pack, unless your name is Jalo, Or Madonna, you really shouldn't be hanging your shit out after the age of 49.
Trust me, for some of you, it doesn't look as good as you think it does.
I'm just saying...


Listen, I get it. 
 There are thousands of people with "Conditions" living among us right now. 
We've all seen them, throwing things around, and screaming in peoples faces when someone dares to even disagree with them on something. 
That's called Abuse.
Weather they realize it or not.
And I'm not quite sure what makes people think  that having a "Condition" gives them Cart Blanche to abuse anyone they want to, whenever they want to.
And while they may be able to get away with abusing their family, and the friends who will let them get away with it, they may not fare so well with the General Public. 
Because once they abuse the wrong one, they might just find themselves on a 72 hour hold in a Phych. Facility somewhere for their own protection as well as everyone elses. 
And if their behavior continues, they may well find themselves with a permanent room there because of it.
And while People can't help the fact that they have a "Condition". 
that does not mean the rest of the world has to walk on Egg Shells around them because of it.
Here's hoping they don't have to find that out the hard way.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


Sanfrancisco is now asking it's Residents to let the Homeless move into their homes and live with them.
I'm not making this up, I just saw it on the News. 
And these are not the poor down on their luck Homeless People they would have you believe they are.
They are Criminals, Drug Addicts, and people with Mental Disorders.
And they are now asking the Tax Payers to take them into their homes.
No word yet on how many  Nancy Pelosi is taking into her home.
The last time Homeless People showed up on her lawn she called the Police. 

Sunday, February 6, 2022


If China is laundering Money for the Drug Cartels who are bringing Fentanyl into our Country, and killing thousands, some of which are children, why is Biden and Harris doing nothing to stop it?
Did he, or did he not take an Oath to defend this Country against all foreign Invaders?
Why are Biden and Harris not being held responsible for these Murders?