All across the Country Nurses, Pilots, Doctors, policeman, Firefighters, Paramedics, Military and other "Essential Personel". who were once called Hero's for working the Front Lines during the Pandemic, (while everyone else hid out at home making
More money then they were) are now being vilified, and forced to leave their jobs because they don't want to get the Carona Virus Vaccine.
And they'll get no Benefits for their Heroism either.
Meanwhile, those who did drink the Kool-Aid and took the shot can still get the Virus, and pass it onto others.
No answers as to why they get to keep their jobs.
And all these workers leaving or being terminated, will cause a substantial service deficit in the Indusries they are departing.
Something this Country can ill afford at the moment considering crime is now out of control everywhere.
In addition to this, Thousands of Migrants are still streaming across our open borders on a daily, and none of them are tested for Carona Virus, or anything else.
Nor are they asked to wear a mask.
They are placed on buses and distributed all over the Country.
It's mindboggling to say the least, Madness to say the most.
They may as well throw a Tent up over this Circus.
WTF is happening to America under this Incoherant despot.
Can we survive until Midterm Elections?
Stay tuned.
Your guess is a good as anyone else's.