Tuesday, July 20, 2021


Concerning Prince Harry's New Book.:
Stop jumping on him before it's even read.
 Let him write it.
They survived Morton Andrews book about Diana.
They'll survive Harrys to. 
Y'all don't even know what it's about yet, and you're already attacking him. Maybe Harry has a lot to say about other things besides being Royal.
Leave him be.  
No one will think any less of The Queen, or the  Royal Family anyway no matter what he says. 
And in the end it's his life isn't it?
 Who are we to judge?

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Take your free $ and shut up!

All these Democratically run  Cities are now pissing and whinning everybody is getting robbed, beaten, and murdered on the streets.
Oh well. Y'all went to all that trouble to cheat him into office. 
You have no problem taking all that free money you cheated him in to get, so shut the fu*k up and take the free bullets that come with it.
Free money isn't free. 
You're going to pay for it one way or another.
I'm not saying democrats aren't that intelligent.
They just can't see the trap for the free cheese they're always trying to get.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021


They really want to force this Vaccine onto People, so much so that now they want to pick and choose who's rights apply to the Constitution.
And apparently, it only applies to Federal Government.
State business can force people to be Vaccinated if they want to.
If you refuse to Drink The Kool-aid, "Joe Jones" may very well force you to take it by injection.
Just like "Father Jim" did in Jonestown.
Guess They don't want any witnesses left to tell the tale. 
Also known as 
"The Truth."