Did Y'all see that?
And I'm sitting there thinking, Oh sure I'll do that.
After working three Jobs at times, resulting in two bad Knees, and a bad Back,
working my Ass to the bone for almost 35 years at the same job.
Killing myself on a snow crew for 18 years plowing, and shoveling, chopping ice, and throwing fifty pound bags of salt around to get overtime so I can get what I have now, I'll just go ahead and hand all that over to you.
And how do they think they will be able to keep these things once given over to them?
are the Whites expected to continue to pay the Mortgage, any Home Repairs, Gas and Electric Bill, Buy food, Gas for the car, Pay for Car Repairs, the Home Owners Insurance, The monthly Condo Fee, The Cable Bill, The Car Insurance, The Home Warranty Renewal, and The water pipe Insurance in case that freezes and needs to be replaced?
And let's not forget the yearly Taxes.
Anyone else find it interesting that the only thing they AREN'T ever demanding you hand over to them is your job?