After years of Iran picking on, taunting, Dareing, Insulting, and killing Americans, and their Alies, Iran has now come face to face with someone who simply will not tolerate it any longer.
And this President will not be sending them pallots full of money to enshure everyones safety either.
Nope. Not this Dude.
Iran found out pretty quickly what happens when you continue to harm America or it's Alies while he's in charge of things. And they don't like it either.
Seems they've gotten used to American Presidents bowing to their threats, actions, and insults over the years so President Trumps actions must have been pretty shocking to them and they are now vowing Revenge.
But as far as I can see, Trump has done the right thing.
I mean, come on now, this was no Altar boy we're talking about here. This General is responsible for, and was planing further attacks on Americans, and American Alies, and Interests.
So what was President Trump supposed to do wait for even more people to die?
And just in case anyone missed it, It has been reported that a great deal of celebration has broken out in the streets of his own country after his death was reported there.
President Trump did the right thing. Somebody had to before it was to late.
It's kind of hard to feel sorry for them when they pretty much brought it on themselves.
President Trump has now put Iran on notice:
"If you Kill someone from America we will kill you back."--Ron White