Anyone else tired of the "Simpson's" comparasons to what is happening in the world today?
I just read an artical about how The Simpson's have (yet again) predicted the future in one of their earlier shows.
Seems this kid who made her nasty little climate change speech harkens back to an earlier episode of The Simpsons where Lisa Simpson gives a similar type of presentation at School in front of her class.
And I suppose now we are all meant to believe that everything the Simpsons put in their show years ago is happening now, or will happen in the future.
It all started off with Donald Trump becoming President. In the show, they showed him Riding an Escalator down to the lobby while he waved to the crowd.
How many times had he done that in his normal life before he even thought of becoming president?
Not to terribly hard to make a cartoon out of that is it.
And if anyone noticed, they also made Donald Trump the President in 1989 in Back To The Future II.
So who's to say this child didn't get her inspiration from the Simpson's 2007 show? Maybe she saw it and decided that she wanted to make that same type of speech.
Perhaps it isn't really a case of the Simpson's predicting the future at all.
Maybe it's just a case of wishful thinking on the part of those who want so badly for the Simpsons episode where President Trump is lying in a Casket to come true.
Which should tell you a little something about them.