A HUGE case of the Ass was apparent in Baltimore recently, after President Trump Tweeted out the truth, about their City, calling it
"A Disgusting Rat, Rodent Infested Mess."
City Officials were so incensed, they held a press Conference At City Hall to dispute the Presidents Tweet, saying Baltimore is a great place to live and has a lot to offer. (insert laughter here)
"It is completely unacceptable for the political leader of our country to denigrate a vibrant American City like Baltimore. And to viciously attack U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings a patriot and a hero." The Mayor said.
As usual, they took the oportunity to talk sh*t about the President blameing him for not giving the City enough money to fix their problems.
"More Money!" seems to be the recurrent theme of City Officials anytime there is a problem in Baltimore City. (and it seems there is always a problem in Baltimore City)
But still no explanation as to where all the money they have been given to fix everything over the years has gone.
Representative Elijha Cummings did not attend, and one may wonder why since he never seemed to have any problems voicing his opinions before.
His absence from the Press Conference Leaves some to believe that Perhaps that pesky Money Funneling deal his wife is alledgetly involved in kept their "Hero" away from the reporters and any possible questions they may have reguarding it.
They did talk a pretty picture about How Baltimore City was a great place to live.
But they left out the fact that there were over three hundred murders last year, and this year the total may be larger still. And they seemed to forget all the attacks on tourists at Hotels and The Inner Harbor.
Nor did they mention the gangs of teens roaming the streets randomly beating people within an inch of their lives and robbing them.
And as far as the City being Rat and Rodant Infested, well that's not an insult, that's just common knowledge. Has been for years.
And their excuse?
"There are Rats all across the country".
As if that made it ok.
"There are two legged rats." Mayor Young said. An obvious swipe at the President for speaking the truth, when the real truth is, he should be grateful the President didn't mention the Bed Bug Epidemic as well.
Look, this dude can say whatever he wants to say about how great Baltimore City is today.
But as far as I'm concerned, the last decent mayor that city had was in 1971 when Willian Donald Schaefer was in office. And when he left in 1987, any semblance of integrity, and/or concern for the welfare of that City, and the people living within it went with him.
And Baltimore City ha$ been $liding into the $h*tter ever $ince.
My take on the situation is simply this.:
President Trump Tweeted the truth and they got p*ssed off about it.
Oh well! if you don't llike the truth, Then do something about it instead of blaming everyone else for your own failures.