Friday, February 22, 2019


 I don't understand this $15.00 an hour Minimum wage raise some people are  pushing for.
In my day You had to have a job so You could live.
If that job didn't pay enough, then you got two jobs until you could find one job that did pay enough to live on.
You lived where you could afford to live.
The State didn't raise the minimum wage so you could afford to  live there.
Listen, this isn't brain surgery. You can have the life you want. You just have to put the work in.

Establish yourself.
Get a job and stay there until retirement instead of hopping around from job to job trying to find yourself a better deal.
You can make your own better deal by staying there (depending on the job you choose) if the job has a pension, benefits, or both.  Which is what you should be looking for to begin with.
 And don't expect to walk in the door and make $20.00 an hour either.
Take whatever job you can to get your foot in the door and eventually you can work your way up to the job you really want.
And as the years go by you'll get more money through raises, or cost of living adjustments, etc. It can be done.
You can have it all.
You just can't have it all at once.
Not unless you win the Lottery anyway.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


"Empire" actor Jussie Smollett
Paid $3,500.00 dollars to two men from Nigera to attack him by throwing Bleach on him and hanging a Noose around his neck because he wanted to make Trump Supporters look recist.
 But now that he's been caught he says he did it because he wasn't happy with his salary.
Oh really Jussie? But you've got $3,500.00 dollars lying around for This shit?
Yeah. OK.
Makes you wonder how many other stories have been made up. And how are we supposed to believe anyone else now?

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Thanks Facebook!


Facebook thinks prisoners need cutting edge computer skills like Coding, so Zuckerburg and his wife are teaching them how to do it because they believe the inmates will have a better chance at finding a job if they have computer skills.
Just so y'all know who to go after when your Accounts get hacked.
Thanks Facebook!

Saturday, February 16, 2019


So The DOJ (Department Of Justice) held secret meetings to figure out a way to oust our President.
A political coup if you will.
Can you say Treason?
Because that's what this is.
So why is nothing being done about this? Years ago they all would have been hanged. But today? Well they just walk back what they said and go on with it.
Can you imagine if this would have happened when Obama was in office? The investigations would no doubt still be going on today.

Sunday, February 10, 2019


You gotta love these Ass Hats in Baltimore City.
Just because the States Attorney Marilyn Mosby said she will no longer prosecute Marijuana, arrests, these fools think they're gonna meet up today on the corner of Dumb and Dummer, (otherwise known as Rose and Monument Street) and have  themselves a Weed Fest Smoke Out!
A group of people who have decided that THEY now make the rules, are planning to "light up" outside in broad daylight for all the world to see.
NEWS FLASH you Idiots!!!
Yes Marijuana was decriminalized in Maryland.  You are allowed to possess up to 10 Grams. But just like you can't stand outside and drink  Alchohal, you are also NOT allowed to stand on the corner and smoke your Weed!  How can you not understand that?
Now watch how many of them have the nerve to be surprised and pissed off  when they get locked up for breaking the Law.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Will be posting my blog on my Facebook page if this site shuts down. Until I find another Blog Site I like.
It will be made "public" in the "Pages" section
  (on Facebook) for all to read.
To the 6,000 readers of my Blog around the world, I thank you for joining me and I do hope you've enjoyed reading my posts. Follow me to "pages" on Facebook if you wish to continue reading them.
I wish you a happy life!
God Bless you all!
Donna Mister AKA Donna M