Sunday, January 27, 2019


In my humble opinion, President Trump has done more for this country in his first years in office then any other President we've had.
 In my time anyway.
Unfortunately,  he's had to fight all the RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) for his first two years in office.
That's why he couldn't get some of the things done that he wanted to.
 And let's be clear here.
Most, if not all of these "Career Politicions" (regardless of their party) do NOT want President Trump to succeed.
If he does, then he's proven that a Non  Politicion can and will do better then the Career Politicos who have been running the Government for years.
I mean just look at the damage he's done so far.
The American Citizens will now be expecting them to show up to work, (God Forbid) and do their jobs everyday, instead of covorting all over the world with family and friends on the Tax Payers Dime.
And they'll (Career Politician)  also have to deal with the fact that there could well be new Non Political people who could be in charge in the future should Trump succeed, who owe noone, and can't be told what to do.  What a Nightmare!!!!