Wednesday, April 4, 2018


On March 27th,  Twenty-five Million viewers tuned in to an event that was Decades in the making.
The Connors are back!
  In all their Wonderfully Typical, Ridiculas, Hilarious, down to earth, real  All American White Trash Glory.
And not a moment to soon.
Finally! After all the "UN-coverage" of what's going, on, and the never ending Trump Bashing by the Mostly Democratic owned Media and Press, something came along that shall we say "Trumped" all that crap.
That's right. Even the Media owned Trump haters can't deny that "Rosanne" is a bonified hit. Again, and will no doubt earn them millions in the coming year.
And why? Because Roseanne tells it like it is that's why. 
The struggle to make ends meet. The political Correctness going on today, the disrespect, of elders, and the feeling of Entitlement by the "snowflake" generation. And in Rosanne we get to see how all this turmoil plays out within the confines of an average American family.  And somehow, through it all she manages to find the humor in it. As we all do. Even if only for a half hour a week.
And there's something else that makes this show so popular with the Masses.  Roseanne gives voice to all those who have been frozen out by the Media and Press.   When she asked her sister Jackie if she'd like to take a knee during the saying of grace before dinner, and then thanked God for "Making America Great Again" millions cheered.  FINALLY someone said it out loud without getting bashed because they did.
Roseanne is Back Baby!  And it's just as fresh and up to date as the day it ended. 
I give it five stars.
Here's hoping it has a good long run.