Saturday, September 30, 2017


Ray Lewis, (a  former Football player for the Baltimore Ravens) got down on his knees with the rest of the Ravens players, during the National Anthem at the football game in London.   And that didn't sit well with a whole lot of Football Fans.
 As a result of his actions, a petition was formed and signed by thousands who now want the Ray Lewis Statue that is currently standing in front of the M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore City removed.  Rays comments were as follows:
"You can not remove a Monument!"
"What has America come to when you can't prey on a Football Field?"
Well Ray, In case you missed it, The Confederate Statues in Baltimore City were recently removed under cover of darkness.
I don't recall you having anything to say in defense of those Monuments.
And as far as praying on the Football Field goes? you might wanna ask Tim Tebow about that.
I don't know about you all, But I never did understand the "Do as I say, Not as I do" Attitude a lot of these protest groups have. 
I mean if you can exercise what you're protesting against,
 then what's the  protest?

Saturday, September 9, 2017


We all know one.  The chick who spends her life going from man to man to man, using "Natures Credit Card" instead of standing up on her own two feet to make a life for herself,
And she really believes she has earned what she has in life, and it's hers to flaunt over women who are actually working their asses off to live.
These chicks are the ones who will pass you sitting on the side of the road in your broken down car (all upset and trying to figure out what you're gonna do)  and yell "Oh you gotta see the new car my boyfriend bought me!" 
As if they'd of gotten it without using Natures Credit Card.
 Look, we all know about your nice house, and vacation homes, your new cars, etc. etc.  but don't be throwing it in every ones  face acting like it's really yours, and you were the one who worked for it. 
  Because Past crawling up under a man, you didn't.  It's HIS money.  It's HIS new car, It's HIS new home, It's HIS vacation house not yours.  Because all you have in life is all you've ever had. 
 "Natures Credit Card".
  And F.Y.I., that's not really something you wanna call every ones attention to.