Saturday, August 16, 2014


From Laugh-In, to Happy Days,  Mork From Ork, and a mired of wonderful  films,  Robin Williams proved himself a force to be reckoned with from the moment he stepped onto the world stage. And he never disappointed.
A truly amazing talent , this Man/Child could transport you to another dimension while spinning the most delightful stories along the way.   Shy, funny,  and almost impish at times, there was no role he couldn't make us believe was real. And he always left us wanting more.
My personal favorite Robin Williams moment was Armand's Palimony speech to Albert in "The Bird Cage".  Who else could have delivered that speech, or even played that role like he did.   It is a fitting tribute to a man the likes of which we shall never see again, but for whom we are grateful came along at all.
He made us laugh. And he made us cry.  And for this we are truly thankful.
There is no doubt in my mind that Heaven is erupting with laughter and smiles at the arrival of  Robin Williams.
But for those of us here who miss him, the silence is deafening.