When George Bailey (It's A Wonderful Life) stood on a bridge in Bedford Falls staring down at the water while contemplating his fate, He had no way of knowing then that those days would one day come to be known as
"The Good Old Days"
George's problem was a lack of funds to save his business and reputation. and provide for his family. Years before George, Bob Cratchit (A Christmas Carol) would face the same dilemma of making ends meet while trying to put food on the table for his family and keeping a roof over their heads. Both being honorable men of integrity, neither of them would ever have dreamed of doing anything unlawful to obtain what they needed to survive. In those days Honor and a good reputation were things one strove for.
Back then Merry Christmas meant just that and Nobody made a fuss about the Jewish family down the street who lit a menorah instead of putting up a Christmas tree. People celebrated the season in what ever way they were accustomed to.
Nobody cared about designer labels, or getting the latest toy, or the most expensive thing on the market. An apple and a few pennies in a stocking would bring joy to a child's heart on Christmas morning. They had gotten something for Christmas.
And it was enough.
Santa Claus and The Nativity Scene were displayed in homes, churches, and shops everywhere and no one complained about it. No one cared to. There were more important things to worry about.
Like the family across town with five children who had just lost their father and were facing the Holidays without him this year. Or the widow up the way who lived alone with nothing but memories to spend her Christmas with.
People cared about the welfare of their friends and neighbors, and they did all they could to help them with out a thought about what they themselves wanted, or didn't have.
Perhaps there is a reason why they are called "The Good Old Days"
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. xoxox