I've seen a lot of elections come and go and some of them can be very entertaining.
But the funniest thing I've seen by far has got to be how pissed off and infantile some voters can act when the person they voted for doesn't win.
And God help you should you use the "L" word (loser) around them because they'll get hotter than a two year old who's just had their blankie taken away. And they'll act like one to.
These narcissistic individuals just can't seem to accept the fact that not only are they not the majority, they were voted down by the people who were. And you can bet your ballot box they'll find someone to blame it on because in their minds, it is inconceivable that everyone else does not feel the same way they do.
Wanna really piss them off?
Tell them you didn't vote at all. They'll call you everything but an American.
"Well you've got no right to bitch then" they'll hiss at you.
I've got every right to bitch about anything I please because like it or not, I'm an American just like you. And as such, if I don't care for the candidates who are running, I have the right as an American citizen not to vote for either one of them. Or not to vote at all if I so choose, without having to worry about falling victim to people who think they can verbally bully everyone else into doing what they want them to do.
Maybe next election, instead of handing out stickers to people after they cast their vote, they should hand out pacifiers instead. It probably won't pacify the most narcissistic of voters, but it might at least shut them up so no one else has to be subjected to the nasty-ass attitudes they get when their candidate doesn't win.