Tuesday, September 11, 2012


You could have done so much good.
You could have used your resources to help people in so many different ways.  you could have:
Invested in your country.
Fed and clothed your hungry.
Built schools to better educate your children.
Provided housing and jobs for your people.
You could have made life easier for so many.
But you chose another path instead.
So it's several years on now and there you are.  By now a rotted mass of nothing.  A floating pile of fish shit.
Was it worth it?  killing thousands of men women and children?  Did you achieve what you wanted to achieve?  Is the world now following your way of life? Believing what you believe?  Living as you want them to live? 
No they are not.  And you wanna know why?   Because you were nothing new that's why.  We were fighting fools like you who thought they could take over the world long before we ever put a boot in your ass.  You weren't the first one, and you won't be the last.  You couldn't even manage to be original could you.
You could have achieved greatness.
 Instead you ended up hiding out for the better part of your life.  Hunted down like the animal you chose to be.  A  scared, addled, feeble old man clutching to his outdated beliefs.
You died without victory or honor which is fitting because you didn't deserve either.
Thousands will be remembered today for the heroes they are, while you will be remembered for the coward you were.