Sunday, December 22, 2013


Does God exist? Is he real? Does he care about me? It's a question as old as time itself. And the answer is different for everyone. Having experienced his presence more then once myself, For me, there is no question that he is real. He is there, and he does hear your prayers. He heard mine anyway. In 2008, my cat who I named Freight Ticket because I rescued him from the loading dock at work, became ill. And not just ill like not feeling well. He had cancer. He was in pain, and he was dying. I had him with me fourteen years. And I loved that cat more then life itself. There was a bond between us that I can't even find the words to describe. It was that strong, and as much as I didn't want him to suffer, I just could not bring myself to have him put to sleep. For two whole weeks I agonized over what to do for him. I kept telling him, "You have to let me know when it's time". As if he could understand what I was saying to him. "I don't want you to suffer, but I just can't let you go unless I know in my heart that that's what you want". With no response from him that I could understand, I began to pray to God for guidance. I lashed out at him in a way I never had before. I asked him why in his name, with all the zillions of cats in the world, he felt the need to take mine. Why. What had I done3 to deserve this? What had my freightor done for that matter? And why, as great and powerful as he's supposed to be, could he not make him well again. I was completely inconsolable. One night, while lying on the couch, with my Freight Ticket lying in his usual spot on my pillow above my head, I cried myself to sleep still praying to God to tell me what to do. It was on this night that he answered me in person, or as near to it as he saw fit. I woke up in the middle of the night, and immediately reached back to touch my baby to make sure he was still with me, and that's when it happened. There was a light that appeared from nowhere in the corner of the ceiling, it started out tiny, and then began to grow bigger. I had never before, seen a light like this, it was brilliant, and beautiful, and brighter then anything I had ever seen, but it didn't hurt my eyes to look at it. I laid there frozen, trying to understand what was happening, And then I saw my Freight Ticket in that light. He had jumped up on the back of the couch. He put his leg up over his head like cats do when they're cleaning themselves. And then he looked up at the light. He was transparant, and I had almost forgotten how beautiful he really was until I saw him in that light. And then he jumped back to his usual spot and the light slowly grew smaller until it just disappeared. It was at that exact moment that I realized God had just given me his answer. It was time now, and I had to let him go. And as much as I didn't want to do it, I felt like I just couldn't deprive my baby of the beauty and love that awaited him in that light. The very next day I took him to the vets. We said our goodbyes, and I paid extra to have them put him to sleep like they would before an operation, before they gave him the final injection. I held him in my arms the whole time. And I felt like I had handed him to God as he had told me I had to. And it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I cried for two weeks straight after that. And to this day, I cry over him still. I had him creamated, and he sits on the fireplace mantal now. Does God exist? I can tell you he does for me because I've seen him. He was there for me at one of the darkest Times of my life. And I will be forever grateful to him for that. For without his guidence, and mercy, there's no telling how long my Freight Ticket would have suffered on because of my inability to let him go. I know there was a reason God brought him into my life, and I know I will see him again one day. By the grace of God. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, and a Blessed New Year.

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