Desperate Housewives was a hit from the start with a world wide following. Out of that show came a reality series called The Real Housewives of New York, New Jersey, Washington DC, or whatever state they are highlighting that season. Have you seen these shows? They supposedly follow the day-to-day lives of quote-unquote "Real Housewives".
Here's my question:
Just how real are the real housewives?
If you've ever seen these shows you may have noticed that all the Real Housewives seem to have one thing in common. Every one of these woman all make, or are married to men who make Boo-Coo Buck$, have huge expensive homes, drive big expensive cars, and live in a world of Chanel, polo ponies, and country clubs.
Does anyone else know a housewife like this?
Take Teresa Giudice for instance. A New Jersey housewife with four kids who takes pride in the fact that she has no house staff or nanny to help her out around the five million dollar mansion she lives in. She's kidding right? Or Micheale Salahi, a Washington DC housewife who just can't resist the spotlight even if it means showing up at the Whitehouse (invited or not) just to get her face on TV.
I think we can all agree that the concept of the "Real" Housewife very much depends on what reality you are living in.
How about a real show about real housewives who live day-to-day in the real world working two jobs while trying to stretch a buck far enough to put food on the table to feed their families. It may not be as interesting or glamorous to watch, but for these women the trials of day-to-day living are very real indeed, and far closer to the concept of "The Real Housewife".
Or maybe they should just change the name of the show to "The Rich Spoiled & Pampered Housewives of........."
At least it would be closer to reality as they see it.
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